Title: They Warn You About This in Horror Movies
beyondtherift Feedback: ... Is loverly.
Word Count: 556
Rating: PG
Characters: Thomas, Aaron
Summary: Sometimes archangels shouldn't take road trips.
Disclaimer: I own Aaron and Thomas. The Rift owns you.
Author's Note: Written for the
The Alphabet Drabble Meme for
allfireburns who wanted Thomas and another archangel with the prompt Options.
"I think we're kinda short on options."
Thomas, possibly to be dramatic or possibly because Aaron was taller than he was and it was starting to bother him considering the difference in sheer physical prowess between them, climbed into the back of the truck and threw his arms out wide as if embracing the great outdoors.. Of which, there seemed to be a great deal of. Some unnatural law apparently dictated that the best places to break down were old country roads, miles away from civilization of any kind. "That's the best part, Barnam!" Jesus, who the hell went on hunts like this with Barnams? ...Aside from other Barnams, that is. They were a bunch of stick-in-the-muds... Then again, when you run around with Leo for long enough, every archangel starts to sound like they have a pole rammed so far up their ass, it's tickling their brainstem.
Aaron shielded his eyes against the glaring afternoon sunlight as he stared up at Thomas, his expression dubious. "Seriously? We're out of gas, Tommy, and we're in Bumfuck, Nowhere. I've seen horror movies that start out with this kind of shit."
Thomas crouched down a bit in the bed of the truck to retrieve the gas can hidden under the piles of tarps that covered weapons that he may or may not have a license for. "We have a bigger arsenal than people in horror movies." There was a pause, the sound of metal scraping against metal as he shifted some of the equipment around, trying to cover it all up as best as he could so no one got any ideas while they were gone (assuming there were even people out here at all), and then, "And what did I say about calling me 'Tommy?'"
Aaron rolled his eyes, kicking a piece of gravel in the road and looking around the area suspiciously as if he was expecting to hear chainsaw noises at any moment. "Something about not doing it?"
Thomas climbed out of the back of the truck with a bit more grace than one would expect from someone like him and thrust the gas can roughly at Aaron's chest. "You got it. Now march, Barnam. They teach you that in Boston, don't they?"
"Yassir," Aaron muttered sarcastically, his Boston accent taking on a southern twang. "And if I didn't make my bed so's the drill sergeant could drop a penny on it and not cause a wrinkle, he'd make me do sit-ups 'til the evenin'."
Thomas stared at him coldly and then proceeded to smack him upside the head as hard as he could before starting off towards the nearest gas station, which was a good twenty odd miles away in the direction they'd just come from- far enough that he was going to regret going on a roadtrip with a Barnam, even if he was a Barnam a bit less... Barnam-y than most. If anything, the parts of Aaron that weren't like the rest of his family were equally irritating.
Aaron planted his feet and scowled in the general direction of Thomas's retreating back, rubbing his head with the gas can balanced under his other arm. "Just so you know," he called after a moment, "If we get attacked by cannibal hillfolk, my skinny ass is out of here so fast."