Title: Rule Books Never Say Anything About Eating Your Opponent's Face
Fandom: Chess
Author: kawaiispinel
Feedback: ... Is loverly.
Word Count: 318
Rating: PG
Characters: Freddie, Florence
Summary: In which Freddie is irritating and Florence is exasperated.... And they're vampires.
Disclaimer: Oh no. Not mine. Not even my brain is that crazy-awesome.
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Comments 4
"Just... Don’t do it. It’s tacky."
So Florence. So perfect. Oh my God, LOVE. And the way Freddie gets all excited when it occurs to him that he could eat the Arbiter... *Snerk*
"....Do you ever listen to yourself when you talk?"
"Do you?"
*FLAILS* The dialogue in this fic is so perfect. Nnngh.
*Flails some more* *Squees incoherently* *Tackles and loves*
"Well, I didn’t want Soviet blood anyway. It probably tastes like piss and vodka."
Oh, God, vampire!Freddie. Very nearly as awesome as vampire!Florence.
So utterly fucking wonderful. It's just...it's perfect. That's what it is. Perfect.
The crack is strong, but it was so much fun.
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