Aug 20, 2007 22:11
so this past week wasn't as busy as the week before, luckily. i believe on Monday, the apartment was getting repaired and needed to be checked for maintenance. so they took care of it (hopefully). tuesday and wednesday felt like any other day. it wasn't too bad but it would've been nice to start the day off with the right coffee because i was seriously not getting enough sleep and was tired every day. thursday was the office picnic as well as my lessons at arthur murray. SO happy that the office picnic let us out early because i was able to sneak in a 2-hour nap before dance class and got ready to strut my stuff. i was wide awake and ready to dance. we had the waltz class. waltz always makes me feel so sore and tired. didn't think it could before but with all the technique, it definitely is a workout. i don't know how those "dancing with the stars" celebrities can do it. anyway, we also attended the dance party on friday and got ourselves some shoes. i also left work early that day to get a new haircut! woohoo. so feeling good and looking good made me VERY happy and in the mood to dance on Friday. the dance shoes are a lot better than regular shoes, but still not as great as flat shoes and flip flops. haha. i definitely cannot stay in high heeled shoes. i better get used to it though. saturday, i joined ian for a picnic with his family. apparently, it's just something they do every year and all of his relatives get together and eat food and talk. it also gives them a chance to meet with the committee for bailen. all this dancing is definitely gonna get us ready for the jam session. haha. i'm so shy though, i don't know if i'll be able to get the chance to show off my moves. sunday was my cousin's engagement party. it was pretty fun. we joined them at lucky strike lanes. i found out some family news...but when ever is there a family party where i don't find out something new. afterward, we just walked around the block, where i realized that it definitely wasn't the same anymore.
today, we had our private dance lesson with caroline. it was pretty tiring and i've never felt so many blisters on my feet. however, i did dance as well as i could and got some nice compliments today too, especially from the instructors. one instructor asked me how long i've been taking lessons at arthur murray and couldn't believe how graceful i was after only 5 lessons (and the 5th being today). okay that's the only time i can ever feel conceited about myself. anyway, so i am dead tired and i hope i actually get up tomorrow morning. i am about to knock out so i am outta here!
later days!