Feb 11, 2010 10:22
Very satisfying.
Mr Shu almost belts his psycho wife in the chops and finally splits
(don't think there hasn't been an episode where I haven't yelled at
the screen 'get the hell out dude! she's going to 'go bunny boiling'
any sec now!)
Mr Shu almost belts Sue with a 'C' in the chops, and finally karma
snaps back and does belt her one.
Finn finds out that his girlfriend is carrying an other guys kid, and
belts Puck in the chops (I keep thinking Mid Summer Nights when anyone
says his name.)
Kids belt out the all time fav, Van Halens Jump (while jumping on
mattresses, Classic!)
Kids win sectionals (ahhhhhhh, completion.)
Fav moment of the series.
There's been a few but two bits stick in my head.
The Footy team belting out Byouncie.
Rachael's high note (hell it was a squeal/squeak/squawk) at the end of
an amphetamine soaked 'Walking on Sunshine' mash-up.
I hear Joss Weldon wants to write an episode???