So very nice...

Jan 15, 2012 00:10

I've actually had a number of really nice things happen lately...

Last week, when I had to show up to a militia function with a rag wrapped around my head like a brain surgery patient, everyone was nice enough not to notice unless I mentioned it, and then they said it was fine.

And when I was absently commenting on my family, a Raveler posted to ask about them and I exchanged a pm or two with her,

Which then led me to go look on Ancestry for my grandfather when he was in Australia, and, finding some mentions of a name like his asked in the Genealogy group there if some kind soul with the correct kind of subscription would look and see if any of them were him.  Two people did, and one found him!

And it is for a record which might yield more info about his father!

AND it yielded the correct name of his ship, which then led to being able to find it in all sorts of newspapers, including some very interesting tidbits about a storm it was caught in, I think when he was on it, which ripped the masts off, washed everything on deck overboard, and swamped the cabins.  And this obviously gives me an intriguing set of details about the life of a very very beloved grandfather who died rather young and way way before we were done with him, and who we all miss to this day, and this day is a good 45 years later.

Then, there is Braveheart.  Braveheart has been moving his lips more - he seems to be ABLE to move them a bit more.  And his other muscles seem to be working a tiny bit better, too.  We are even getting more verbal language!!!

My mom took him and me to the movies today to see The War Horse, which she had previously read to him.  The movie was wonderful.

Even better, he was really engaged during the vast majority of it.

He expressed opinions about it in response to questions.


Then we ran into a friend of my mother's who made Braveheart a sweater when he was a baby.  This woman has a daughter who was about ten at that time, and about whom I have heard bits from time   Well, I was introduced to the Friend, who I probably met once before on some occasion I do not recall, but also, for the first time, the daughter, now a grown woman, and I was chatting with her while our mothers were talking.  I'm not quite sure how it happened, but she asked me if I knew what fanfic was.!

I raised my hand and said, "Harry Potter."  Which resulted in a discussion about fan fic, fan fic friends, her Frasier Fics, friends you make over the internet, her job, her degree, My life, my degree, etc, etc, etc...

And then, it turns out that not only does her mother knit, her mother also researches genealogy.

And they live a few blocks from my mother.

I have, seriously, made a new friend.  And it was a WONDERFUL feeling.

And as if all this were not enough, Braveheart was trying to be in both conversations, which is much more confident and outgoing than he usually is, and trying to use his communication board, which we are often struggling to get him to use...

And mom and I bought pashminas together, which was fun...

Oh, and now Dan is on SNL as the guest host.

And the duvet cover I bought at Ikea has passed muster as close enough to make an 18th century gown with...

And I got us another pewter mug to reenact with, and this one actually is made from pewter   and it was only one dollar.  (They both have glass bottoms, which they should not, but you can't have everything.)

Your niceness below, please...

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