Over the summer...

Aug 19, 2005 01:51

The sun began to burn off the morning fog that seems to herald the start of every day in Pennsylvania.

Spindle stands just outside the front door of the house he shares with Freida, a mug of coffee clutched in his one hand. Taking a careful sip, he looks out across campus. It's green lawns are empty of students, inhabited now only by the occasional bird or squirrel. The buildings all stand tall and dark and still. So very, very still.

The past few months since school ended have been good to him and his wife. The school hired him on to help with the school grounds and maintenance, while the odd job in town brought in a few bucks more. A bit of a growth spurt even put another inch on the scrawny Nocker. Their house, obstentially a guest house as far as mortals were concerned, was finally finished, or at least as finished as a Nocker house ever can be.

I'm just afraid to finish, he admits to himself, 'Cause then I'll do a damn fool thing and start looking for any fucking flaws in it.

Spindle continues to watch the sunrise through the steam of his coffee, his thoughts pensive and uneasy.
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