How's My Driving?
- Comment with the name of the character(s) you want critiqued. If you want them all, list them all- It's hard enough for players to keep up with their own casts! If you'd rather have yourself critiqued instead, post your forum username. For anything else you'd like critiqued (I.E.: decks, created cards, etcetera), post that. If you can think of it, you can post it!
- Reply to other people's comments with constructive criticism. Anonymous has been enabled; IP logging has been disabled. Remember that posting anonymous doesn't mean you can forget about being constructive. If you get an anonymous critique, take it in stride- People normally post anon to avoid fighting, not to cause it.
- Learn from the suggestions and profit!
That's it! I'm not sure how often to re-post this given the small size of our group, so I'm open to suggestions. (Any suggestions are cool, actually.) I know it's not as fancy as the real
hmd_meme, but considering that we're a forum RP instead of an LJ RP I figured this would be better for us. So, like, use if you want- Don't if you don't! ♥