This is my new account! As you know, I used to be
mawaru_berry -and now I am
emberberry :) I have a thing for berries. I had a measuring cup full of blueberries while I rewatched the Britney Spears episode of Glee again, but I guess that information was just a bit irrelevant. Anyway, on with the post!
And this post is just a heads up for in the future when I'll be posting fics again! I'll also probably be writing fics for other fandoms aside from the usual kpop groups I write about. I've promised a Glee fanfic for my dear Michele and she is writing one for me as well because we made a deal, lmao. Woo! So, yeah. That's what happening in my world, & I'll be back on LJ pretty soon. I'm almost done with the major things in my life. Once I hit second semester, everything will/should be much easier! That's what I've been told, at least.