fic dump & welcoming myself back!

Aug 02, 2010 06:19

Last week, I was in Europe. And while I was in Europe, I did a whole lot of thinking (not only pertaining to LJ, but to rl as well). One of the things I thought about was where I wanted to keep my fics, because before I left, I was looking back at this place and feeling so nostalgic that I had the urge to switch journals back here again. Well, I decided to wait until I came back from my trip to see if I felt any different, and I actually don't! I'm way too attached to this community/journal and I'm so so so so sorry that I keep going in a circle with locations and whatnot, but in case you haven't figured it out by now I am a very strange individual. lol.

Since I'm coming back here, I'm going to link to everything I wrote at lemonboat  for this short while.

Title: So Happy I Could Die
Pairing: Heechul/Donghae
Rating: pg-13
Summary: He takes Donghae for a drive.
Note: half inspired by this picture i found on unpromptable , half inspired by my need to write some cinhae.

open up your heart and your mind to me )

Title: Wounded
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Seohyun
Rating: g
Summary: Maybe he has met a sweeter girl before Seohyun, but it's not like that one could have mattered as much.
Note: this is one of my favorite het pairings, i haven't written much of them before. just a drabble. what's written here was highly inspired by this song by dashboard confessional.

“I’ve watched you guys,” he coughs. “On TV.” )

Title: Right Love
Pairing: Hankyung/Siwon
Rating: g
Summary: (prompt) Admit something: Everyone you see, you say to them, “Love me.”
Note: inspired by a conversation i had with shihan_ai )!

“This doesn’t,” brief word search, “feel exactly right.” )

Title: Just Keep Swimming
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Donghae
Rating: pg-13
Summary: Hyukjae can't read bubbles.
Note: 2nd fic from my request page :) written for krnqt96 , i hope you find this EunHae acceptable! this picture helped me start off. it's Rainbow Fish-esque in a way, as in my chaptered fic not the children's book XD
Word count: ~1020

Staring at the world, like everything is above water, they’re down below. )

Pairing: Leeteuk/Kangin
Rating: pg?
Summary: Kangin comes to visit, bearing cake!
Note: troisbang  AU, probably not including this in the fic because i need to get used to writing KangTeuk first - yes, they're part of my fic :3 and also, it is still Teuk's birthday in my timezone, and it will be for another couple hours, so technically it's not late.
Word count: 975

“Who told you?” )

Title: Orbit
Pairing: Hankyung/Kyuhyun, sort of some Sungmin/Kyuhyun
Rating: pg-13
Summary: You miss me sometimes.
Note: in my defense, i needed to write something for the fact that kyuhanism  is officially open for business ^_^" & i'm sorry it's kind of angsty…the inspiration i got was heartachey :|
Word count: ~1230

Kyuhyun follows, like a good dongsaeng, and he hasn’t been on a bicycle for a while, but like the saying tells you: once you learn, you never forget. )

Title: She Is Everywhere
Pairing: Yesung/Seowook (basically, girl!Ryeowook)
Rating: pg-13
Summary: In which Jongwoon looks back on various days they had together, while the present is possibly one of the most important ones.
Note: for thundersquall  ♥ whom i promised Yesung/Seowook to a really long time ago. although i'm sorry this wasn't sexy!crack like i'd intended it to be. after the No Other mv, the sexy!crack turned into a need for cuteness and Yesung with balloons…
Word count: 1604

Day one: Kim Seowook had, and has pretty hair. )

Title: 미인아 (No Other)
Focus: Heechul & Victoria, Heechul/Hankyung, Victoria/Nichkhun
Rating: pg-13
Summary: Models Kim Heechul and Victoria Song get into an unexpected mishap. Hankyung is confused. Nichkhun isn't too happy.
Note: idek what this is. i needed to write Heechul something and i was looking at my f(x)/Suju challenge and the one with Vicky jumped out at me. i'm sorry for the fail of this fic. it was created out of my need for amusement and the fact that i was a sad panda :(
Word count: 2297

"This is all your fault." )

Title: I Need You So Much Closer
Focus: Jonghyun, Onew/Jonghyun
Rating: pg
Summary: Jonghyun is getting weaker.
Note: i wrote SHINee fic! :D i've been dying to for months now, and even though i've had Jongkey on the brain, here's some Jongyu for lametortoise , one of my requesters. i went out of order with requests, but i was basing it on where i was finding inspiration, while also not wanting to keep people waiting for too long. listened to a lot of Death Cab whilst writing this. twas good.
Word count: 1408

It's called being a mess on the inside )

Title: From One to the Other
Focus: Tiffany/Amber ; SNSD/f(x)
Rating: pg
Summary: It was Tiffany's sneaky, sneaky idea.
Note: femmefic :D this excites me, because i barely write anything close to enough soshi. and i love Amber. with a burning passion.
Word count: 346

Everyone who might find out would come to this conclusion: that it was Amber's idea. )

Title: I wanna girl like…
Focus: Donghae/Siwon
Rating: pg-13
Summary: Drunk. Donghae wants a girl from Neptune.
Note: lol idek if these two drink that much, or at all. i just kind of wrote it.
Word count: 349

"You know what kind of girl I want?" )

Title: Eyes
Focus: Hankyung/Siwon, vague Hankyung/Taeyeon
Rating: g
Summary: Siwon had a slightly irrational fear, a reason for his internal assumption.
Note: not really humorous, more like fluff? maybe?
Word count: 272

"Your turn," )

Title: Icarus Walks
Focus: Eunhyuk/Donghae
Rating: pg?
Summary: It's been five years, and Hyukjae looks stronger now.
Note: i wrote most of this in the car on the way to CT, then finished it up this morning because i forgot about it. now back to requests! it's another one of my bizarre ideas, sorry D: i listened to Epik High when i wrote this, also.
Word count: 356

“Did you come here for me?” )

Title: Stopping Time
Focus: Eunhyuk/Donghae
Rating: pg
Summary: prompt - Hyukjae thinks that maybe after all, Donghae is meant to be a father.
Note: for catskilt ! her prompt has led me to one of the longest oneshots i've done in a while :) i hope this is satisfactory orz
Word count: 4472

It's been their own nature to be in each other's faces more than what may be socially acceptable, but it's never stopped them. )

Title: Mistakes Never Made
Focus: Victoria, Heechul/Victoria, other Vicky pairings (sort of)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Victoria doesn't love him, he's almost positive.
Word count: 3037

A/N: so I decided to do some f(suju) drabbling, but the second one I wrote (this one) ended up being much longer than I had expected it to, and I kept wanting to build on it, so it became this. Oh, and the random pairing generator which I love and adore gave me: Victoria | Heechul ⇒ nightclubs. Usually I can characterize Heechul better than this, Idk what's wrong with me.

Horrible aim. )

Wow, I wrote a lot. Well, I usually am quite prolific. Now I have to tag everything, lol. Look at all those pairings.

p: onew/jonghyun, au: come together, p: han geng/eunhyuk, p: donghae/siwon, p: eunhyuk/donghae, p: victoria/nichkhun, p: eunhyuk/kyuhyun, r: g, p: yesung/ryeowook, r: pg-13, p: tiffany/amber, p: leeteuk/kangin, p: heechul/donghae, p: kyuhyun/seohyun, p: han geng/siwon, p: heechul/han geng, p: heechul/victoria, p: han geng/taeyeon, r: r, p: han geng/kyuhyun, r: pg

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