Oct 05, 2005 01:24
Omg ok so I found out a few weeks ago my roomie has an aversion to any words describing the vagina or as she calls it, "it." She claimed she never talked about it cause she never had to or wanted to. She also didn't like talking about anything sexually related (i.e penis, sex, masturbation etc.) Now I found this hilarious because it didn't quite make sense....especially since it referred to group settings and situations that didn't even involve herself. Any mere comment would bother her.
So today......I got my roomie to talk about SEX. Which was amazing considering the situation. Ok so it all started w/ peeing....
My roomate came into my room screaming about a cockroach in the bathroom. So I had to go in there and stab it with a broom, and then scoop it up into a dustpan and flush it down the toilet. Now she saw the thing when she was on her way to pee, so now she didn't want to pee because she thought it would come back up at her. (foolish I know)
So she waited a bit and I let her pee. Then I told her about my first experience w/ the "x-files." Now I hate cockroaches myself and the day I finally sat down to watch this show the episode featuring radioactive cockroaches or some shit was on. "War of the Corpophages" it was called. Anyways there is this scene where this guy is taking a shit and then the cockroaches come up through the drainage, go up his butt and out a cut in his arm.
She freaked!
I laughed.
And then I told her about how this past weekend I got obnoxiously drunk and admitted that I thought pee came out of my clit and not the vagina. So needless to say after drunkenly asking a few girls I was proven wrong. (It comes out the urethra.) So after telling her this, she didn't believe me. And I was still unsure myself.
so.......we looked it up on the internet.
Now when typing in "how to pee" or "the vagina and peeing" you should never expect good results. So after we got lost and confused when all we found was "hot girls pee on you" etc.....I asked one of my good girldfriends (no not like that) She told us the truth, and we moved on. To even greater things like SEX.....
So after a few shared experiences and funny stories....we parted our seperate ways. But it was quite refreshing. I'm so happy I got her to talk about it, because regardless of what you think of "it" you will someday need to discuss it. Plus it's not big of a fuckin' deal it's just sex....
Anyways I'm done for the night....off to bed I go. And unlike my roomie, I won't be haunted by strange dreams of the vagina. hahaahhha
P.S. For all you ladies out there (and maybe guys too) Is FOUR fingers too much?????