Tracking Info and Shipping Refunds

Mar 27, 2015 10:58

Just wanted everyone to know that if you would like a tracking number for your package, feel free to message me!  This is not a problem for me!  This is part of the decanting obligations!  I'd prefer you ask for them these next few days while I have off.  =)

Please request it with your town and zip code as that will save me searching for your addy.

Additionally, for those of you who did and did not combo things Lupers THROUGH March 13 (includes Bards, 2 moons, 2 13s, Beautiful Death, Black Supermoon..maybe more) ALL of these packages went out.  The latest you shipped was Tuesday of this week.  So if I comboed things you did not combo, I will be messaging you whether you want/need refunds.  Again, my comboing did not delay your package.  The delay of about a week was due to me being sick and HAVING to balance BPAL with school last week.  That's the first time it was an issue for me, and I do apologize.  But the way the decanting process works, as I do it, at least, it was easier to just get these done and out at the same time.  Also note, every circle except the Lupers was very small.  If they were large, I would have done them in order as that would have been additional time.  But that was not the case!  So please thuroughly enjoy those additional surprises!

Some of the luper boxes went well over what I had anticipated shipping price wise.  So some of you will also get a request for additional funds.  But in that case, I am also calculating the difference between the two. (Like there was some international packages that cost me $24 when you paid $12, but you paid 2-3 shipping for these different circles, so we are either square, or I maybe owe you 1 shipping refund rather than 3.)  Lots of calculating.

Also, there's a few regulars who didn't pay for things yet, like bards or black death.  I was a little behind on even collecting payments, but for all the regulars I am not worried.  So I will be contacting you with those as well.

All of this will be done by Sunday evening.  (Probably tonight or tomorrow.)  If you haven't heard from me by Monday morning, please do not hesitate to nudge me.  Email is best!
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