Jan 12, 2015 17:53
Most everyone went out!
I have 5 packages with some issues. 2 are simply because I did not have boxes the size that I needed. One of which is g_shadowslayer's and the other I need to look up (not at home atm). You lovelies will go out Wednesday.
My dad helped me bubble wrap and by the end I saw that I think 2 packages may have spilled a few items. So there is likely 2 packages out there missing a thing or two. I have to apologize for this, as these packages were all so many weird shapes and sizes. They must have tipped over in the box and it wasn't possible, after most things were already finished, to go through them and find out who they fell out of. I will rectify this the instant we find out who it is. I'm very, very sorry! To give you an idea of how many packages I was putting together, I spent 1.5 hours at the post office shipping them. At least 30min of that was due to the international customs form entering that they do, but the rest of the hour was due to sheer volume. So I just couldn't go back to see who dumped the items as I'd have to open up every package and check. My fingers are crossed it's not an international person! Please contact me ASAP and I'll fix it!
The other thing I am also working on is the Scholar's Tower prints. I figured that I could pick up the right packing material today at the post office, but they didn't have a hard envelope the right size. I don't want these lovelies to get bent. So I ordered tubes from Amazon and they should be here in 2-3 days. They cost $2.75 each and I'm not sure how much shipping will be. But essentially shipping for the prints will be about $7 domestic. This would be for:
--scarydoll (won the raffle) this is shipping with your imps as we discussed so I'll confirm shipping method and difference (if there is one) shortly.
--annaham (won the raffle)
--creamy_jade (international - will update with price of shipping but feel free to send $7 at this point in time if you like.)