I'm curious about the Silkybat price too, if Anne doesn't grab it.
Also, did Lac Doloris and the add-ons arrive yet? Sorry if you answered this already but I looked over your recent posts and didn't see mention of it. Thanks for your time, I don't know how you keep it all together...
Ugh so I finally got everything figured out and looks like they forgot your bottle of The White Rider. Want me to send these along and send that when they get it to us?
Well crapola. It happens. You know, go ahead and hang onto them (unless it's easier for you organization-wise to send them now) until the Lab gets it out. I was able to find some of the annivs I thought I'd want more of anyway. Thanks for checking with me!
Also, did Lac Doloris and the add-ons arrive yet? Sorry if you answered this already but I looked over your recent posts and didn't see mention of it. Thanks for your time, I don't know how you keep it all together...
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