Capri Sun Pacific Cooler

Aug 11, 2009 02:29

I just came back from Ikasucon and it's been an interesting experience. I worked my ass off day and night on my old school Cloud cosplay, of course with loads of help from my Dad, so I'd have it done in time to debut at the con. Sadly I didn't get to bring it because the buster sword was 5 ft tall and they had a 4 ft or under policy. I had read the weapons rules on their website and they didn't mention size at all, but of course somehow somebody left that off of the website and only posted it on the forums, that  I was unable to register for because the moderators were completely worthless when it came to activating accounts. Finally (two days before the con) Kuma realized he had an old account and found that little detail they decided to leave out. The best part of all of this is that even though I left my new cosplay at home and only wore my Crisis Core Cloud, I found plenty of over sized props and nobody gave a shit. I don't plan on attending Ikasucon ever again unless they straighten things out. Oh, and things got even better for me. Before I even had a chance to get ready for the con on Saturday I came down with some sort of stomach bug and started puking. After resting for awhile and feeling a little better I managed to change into costume and go to the con at about 5, but I felt woosy almost all day. :[ I've definitely had better convention experiences, but my friend Julie was dressed as Reno with me as her first cosplay. It was so fun hanging out with her, and she pulls off Reno like nobody else!! <3

So many things have happened since I've blogged that I want to write about, that I almost can't stand writing this because I either have to leave out everything or ramble for about five pages. My summer has been extremely lazy but I'm not complaining since I've enjoyed it a lot. I've spent probably less than a third of summer at home and most of it at my new apartment with my boyfriend,
sins_of_pride (Kuma) , in BG. I love being here, it's so peaceful and we're a five minute walk from downtown which is beautiful and full of exciting things. I haven't really done a single productive thing this summer besides work on cosplay, and I'm not even sure if you could call that productive. I haven't put any effort toward learning to drive and I've put barely any effort into getting a job. I could list some excuses but I think it all comes down to the fact I'm terrified of doing both of those things so I have no trouble procrastinating. ><

School starts in two weeks! I have no idea what to expect but I am dreading it anyway. I have to audition on bassoon the Sunday before classes even start, which is the same day I have to sit through some ridiculously long induction crap for which I'm required to read a book I have no desire to read so I'm having my Julie read it for me and sum things up. :] I love how motivated I already am for college! It really scares me though. Throughout high school I worked my ass off and believed in myself, but during my senior year things went downhill due to a little thing called senioritis. I figured that would leave after I graduated, but everybody seemed to be at least excited about college. I'm not sure if I am.

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