Let's Review:

Jan 22, 2009 00:24

I know I have a lot of things to get organized. This will most likely only be regarding the play, but if I have enough time I can do a quick run down of school related reminders as well.

Today I:
  • Bought toaster oven @ Big Lots for $22
  • Bought styling sheers from Sally's for $10, but they are the incorrect sheers. I need to by thinning shears. These have teeth on them that are visible to the eye. They come in different sizes, the largest being chunky. This is too big, the teeth are about a centimeter apart. We want small thinning sheers. So I need to return styling sheers and buy thinning sheers tomorrow.
  • Got running crew list from Michelle. Liz Rische & Austin are my makeup crew. So I need to figure out when to contact them and what to say when I do from Tara asap.
  • Worked on nose so I need to finish nose by tomorrow.
  • Met with Tara and discussed budget, what was in the foam latex kit, how to set women's wigs, some more things I need to buy. So I need to find Sally's receipt, buy hydrocal (waiting to hear from Tara), buy styrofoam donuts, hair extensions, hair nets, & more rollers & buy more wigs.
  • We then met with Sarah Garcia & Anna Laurel to go over set wigs. They are going to style Valvert and De Guiche's wig. I am nervous about this because they have never set wigs before but I don't have the time and that is what assisstants are for. I need to remember this. We also went over ventilating. I am nervous about this as well because of their experience and the time crunch, but I must have faith. We can always draw on facial hair if need be. So I need to get all materials prepared and set out for them tomorrow as well as make sure they are checking out their materials.
  • Met with Kim to go over who is wigged when and who is wearing hats. I need to decide on Eva's hairstyle, think about the Actors in Act III's wigs, figure out Elliott's wigs, get back to Kim on this. & have Valvert & DeGuiche's wigs set and styled for head fittings beginning of week.
  • Went to the library and went through all Cyrano related e-mails. I pulled line changes out of e-mails and updated with a list of things I need to get sorted or have been sorted by me thus far.
  • Went to fight run throughs and saw all of the cast's hair and facial hair. I need to get all facial hair styles selected, with images, to show Tara tomorrow & Michelle on Friday & cast on Friday. Try to use as much of their facial hair as possible rather than selecting styles on character.
  • Went through all line cuts & changes in my script and I need to go through quick changes and look at character by character (waiting on kim to e-mail me updated quick change and breakdown).
Things are still remaining from previous lists. This is only new developments throughout the day with pertaining repeats. However, there will still be much from my earlier to do list for the rest of the week left to do so don't forget to look at that too!

Now for school stuff. Today I:
  • Finished up scene design worksheet, but I need to do research and notes.
  • Found a couple of pictures for my portfolio & need to get permission from whoever has the rights to them to use them. Need to finish resume and bring in more things, drawings, paintings, stencils, clothes?, pictures from T'Cie.
  • I went to Scene Design/Portfolio Development and I need to do the worksheets he handed out today, get Wild Duck from Jeff's and renew it.
  • Met with Michael about crew hours so I need to talk to Joe.

Tomorrow my schedule is to:
  • Take more pictures
  • Go to Quarter to 10, Bazaar, Sunny's, Sally's
  • Find facial hair images
  • Meet Anna Laurel @ 12 and print Image Methodology photos & facial hair pictures
  • Finish Nose
  • Set up stuff for Sarah Garcia ventilating
  • Meet with Tara @ 3:15
  • Go to class from 4-550
  • Type up topic proposal and print it
  • Go to class from 650-940
  • Prepare for production meeting

to do, cyrano

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