Apartment Above Luke's, Thursday Afternoon

Mar 02, 2017 06:09

Kathy was sitting crosslegged in her living room, surrounded by a truly staggering number of anatomically-shaped lollipops, hard candies, and other confections. It turned out that the company that had supplied Dite's with chocolates and candy had gone out of business and multiple other companies had sent samples to the store in hopes of scoring the ( Read more... )

who: dante son of sparda, what: dite's decadent delights, actually sfw we're confused too, who: anders, where: apartment above lukes

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not_every_mage March 3 2017, 01:47:41 UTC
It was well into the evening before Anders' restless legs brought him to the diner -- and, once he'd acquired milkshakes, up the stairs to Kathy's apartment. He tapped lightly on the door.


spin_kick_snap March 3 2017, 06:33:19 UTC
It wasn't particularly late, but still late enough that Kathy answered the door in person, rather than just yelling for whomever it was to come in. She likely made for an interesting sight, with a fading bruise on one cheek and a cherry lollipop shaped like a pair of breasts tucked behind her ear and clearly forgotten about.

"Oh!" she said, surprised, when she opened the door and saw Anders standing on the other side of it. "Anders, hi!" She stepped aside to make room for him to enter if he wished. "Come in, come in! Uh, forgive the mess in the living room. I was doing inventory. Sort of. Come in!"


not_every_mage March 3 2017, 14:42:41 UTC
"Thanks," Anders said, giving her a slightly puzzled smile as he stepped inside. (Did the lollipop really look like breasts, or was his dirty mind getting him in trouble again?) "Inventory for what? It looks like a candy store exploded in here."

Give him a moment, and he'd notice the candy was slightly ... off.


spin_kick_snap March 3 2017, 15:57:09 UTC
"Pretty close to what happened," Kathy said with a laugh, closing the door behind him and heading back to her pile of candy. "The main company that supplies candies to Dite's isn't doing that anymore. So I've got samples from a bunch of other companies to pick up the slack."

Because...oh right!

"I'm the manager for Dite's now," she added. "Maybe should have led with that."


not_every_mage March 3 2017, 19:20:19 UTC
"It would have made things a little less confusing," Anders agreed, amiably. "Though it would've been funny if you just spent so much time there, they put you in charge of candy."


spin_kick_snap March 3 2017, 19:41:32 UTC
"Hey!" Kathy protested with a laugh. "I haven't been at the store anywhere near enough to be promoted to candy! I only randomly got made manager. It was all very..." she waved a hand. "Fandom. Between the rain of beads and everything else, it was all very Fandom."


not_every_mage March 3 2017, 19:49:53 UTC
"Sounds like it," Anders nodded, also smiling. "So, you got to be manager because it was raining beads?"

He knew that wasn't what she meant, but it was nice to be silly.


spin_kick_snap March 3 2017, 20:06:06 UTC
It really was.

"Don't be ridiculous," Kathy sniffed, nose quite literally in the air. "It had nothing to do with it raining beads. It was because of all the topless people in the store, I had the nicest chest. Making a hiring decision based on what was falling from the sky is preposterous."


not_every_mage March 3 2017, 20:25:42 UTC
Anders took shameless opportunity of that prompt to ogle her. "At least they had good taste," he remarked. "I wonder what they would have done if they'd had to hire somebody when it wasn't topless day?"


spin_kick_snap March 3 2017, 22:13:49 UTC
Tumblr would probably have something to say about how good Kathy felt about being ogled by Anders. Tumblr could go fuck itself right off a cliff. His admiration warmed her right down to her toes.

"I probably wouldn't even have been in the running," she said. "I wasn't really thinking of Dite's as an option until the manager came storming out, pissed because the island was playing games again. She tossed her keys, I grabbed them to lock up, and then it all kind of clicked, I guess. I wanted a job, Dite's clearly had an opening, it all worked out."


spin_kick_snap March 3 2017, 22:42:40 UTC
Tumblr would probably have something to say about how good Kathy felt about being ogled by Anders. Tumblr could go fuck itself right off a cliff. His admiration warmed her right down to her toes.

"I probably wouldn't even have been in the running," she said. "I wasn't really thinking of Dite's as an option until the manager came storming out, pissed because the island was playing games again. She tossed her keys, I grabbed them to lock up, and then it all kind of clicked, I guess. I wanted a job, Dite's clearly had an opening, it all worked out."


not_every_mage March 4 2017, 01:26:03 UTC
"That does sound like fate," Anders agreed, and remembered the beverage carrier in his hand. "Oh -- I have milkshakes. Do you want one?"

Yes, he would drink two milkshakes if she said no.


spin_kick_snap March 4 2017, 02:36:00 UTC
"Have you ever known me to turn down a milkshake?" Kathy asked, giving him a warm smile. "Thanks, Anders. Can I offer you inappropriate candy in trade?"


not_every_mage March 4 2017, 02:51:19 UTC
"I would be offended if you didn't," Anders joked, passing over the mocha shake. "How inappropriate is it?"


spin_kick_snap March 4 2017, 03:02:40 UTC
Kathy took an experimental sip of her milkshake and that smile turned into a grin. "Oooh, caffeine and chocolate!" she joked. "You do love me."

For a second, the words hung between them as Kathy realized exactly what she'd said. The problem with being this flexible? It apparently meant she ended up with her foot in her mouth more often than not.

"Let me show you what types I've got," she said quickly, before Anders had a chance to respond to that. She was willing to ignore a stupid slip of the tongue if he was! "You have your choice between chocolate, gummy candies, hard candy, and the kinda weird stuff."


not_every_mage March 4 2017, 03:04:26 UTC
... yeah, that was an awkward moment there. Anders was going to pretend he hadn't noticed it.

"Kinda weird stuff," he said instead. "It's all tempting, but I have to see what sex shop candy counts as weird when the normal stuff looks like body parts."


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