The release of Mac OS 10.7 reminded me I never quite bothered with upgrading to 10.6. And that's why we have the Apple Store with an upgrade CD. I won't be upgrading to Lion until I know that all of the software I use or plan on using is supported for Lion. Should be running Snow Leopard by the end of the month.
I also bought a new calculator today. This is notable as I don't think I've actually bought a calculator since early in the first GWB Administration. I ran the last two I owned into the ground, and since then have been either making do with inherited ones people have left behind in various labs or using an appropriate program on my computer. But I find myself needing one regularly nowadays, especially as I find having to open up Excel to do basic quick & dirty data analysis very annoying. And the inherited one I've been using from a past lab member is finally dying on me.
The big manuscript is nearing the point where I will send it to the former advisor within a week or two for the inevitable annihilation via "Track Changes." The little manuscript has actually been in better shape for a while now, but I think I can just add some recent literature info and it should be OK to be eviscerated (it has the sole benefit that our collaborator who actually made the sample needs to write about all of that).
My apartment is also looking far more decent nowadays. Didn't get around to making my chili for Labor Day, but I'm going to try this slow cooker recipe for it I found tomorrow.
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Icon Meme
1. Reply to this post with "ICONAGE", and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee!
A House icon from right around when I got into the show circa the second season. It was in response to Cuddy, naturally. It's my snarky icon. :)
My Sith icon is, of course, of Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious from the Star Trek films. It is frequently seen when I am feeling a wee bit wrathful.
My default icon is of Kyouraku Shunsui from Bleach. His primary interests seem to be sleeping, drinking sake, and flirting with his cute second-in-command. It's like he's the afterlife's version of me! ;)
General/Prince Iroh of the Fire Nation, from Avatar: The Last Airbender. No, I did not see the movie. I would recommend not watching the movie. Ever. Iroh is pure concentrated mentorly win who can still throw down with the best of them, but all he really wants to do is kick back and run a tea shop.
Aizen Sousuke, the antagonist for the first ~ 425 chapters of Bleach. He started out quite devilishly excellent, however, by the end of his time on screen, he had devolved to a far less interesting character. Although I do empathize with his megalomania! ;)
Going now.....