So, just when I decide to start posting again regularly on LJ, my life gets swung into over-drive.
Here's a brief re-cap so that I can at least kind-of catch up and get this thing moving again!
- My high school was recognized as one of the lowest-performing in the state and now has a whole mess of changes to make because, as is the general belief of the government and, seemingly the general population, it's the teachers' fault.
- Had to substitute through my full prep all of last week because the substitutes for a long-term teacher absence couldn't manage the classroom well enough. If any of the legislators had taken the position, I question whether or not they would continue to say that a failing school is due to teachers' lack of competence or drive. I got through it, though, and I think that the students actually managed to learn something.
- I was cast in a local production of "The Music Man." I'll be playing Ewart Dunlop, member of the dysfunctional school-board (which I find deliciously ironic) and member of the barbershop quartet. It'll be fun...the rehearsals, thus far, certainly have been!
- Fearing I might not have a position next year, I'd been studying to take the CSET in Health Sciences since the district wouldn't let me use my Anatomy/Physiology/Nutrition/Pathology coursework for my Massage Certification as proof of qualification. I took said test last Saturday and I should be getting the results back in about a month. Even if I don't pass all three sections, I'll have another year to work on it since I do, indeed, have a position at my school next year.
Alrighty...that's what's kept me away from the computer and LiveJournal for so long...I'm hoping for a little more time to keep this thing updated more often (regardless of the boredom it might cause)...