"If I were to describe you, I'd describe you as tall."
I don't know how it happened, but I have no sit-down and breathe time this week. On Monday I hit the ground running, and I really haven't looked back. Right now I hav e 2 hours before my psych experiment starts, during which I should
a.) work on my resume/coverletter to get it mailed by tomorrow and to Alaska by the 1st
b.) make my dinner so I can take something with me to eat during my meeting tonight.
c.) photocopy some articles from journals in the basement of Seymour library for Honors (I found a new subject to add to the paper, so research is needed)
d.) nap
e.) do laundry
f.) email my participants to remind them they are participating
g.) shower
Since a, b,e and f can happen all at the same time and in the same place, I suppose they win, although my body tells me d is a much smarter option, since I do have class (where I stand) until 10PM, and no break from running my experiment to class for dinner (I have an actor meeting). Maybe if I have some spare time, g will get accomplished. I have a feeling that this will be schedule until the end of the term. The good news is that while I think my final painting from scenic painting will challenge me, I also think it won't kill me. I am sure to be proven wrong, but it's nice to dream.