Feb 20, 2006 00:28
The critique went pretty well, even though I found myself painting til the bitter end. I swear, I will never leave well enough alone. But it's done, and now I start working on the next project.
But first more papers to write and Honors to work on. I think I am starting rehearsals this week, which may mean I have a cast. I am feeling a little stressed, what with less than 6 weeks until the show goes up (closer to 5 at this point, I think), and 10 of those days being Spring Break, but I am hoping that as long as the actors can get memorized over the break, it gives me two solid weeeks once we get back to be in tech. This is good. So I am still not panicking, but I am slightly stressed. I will feel better when rehearsals start, I think.
I am diligently working on a paper that's due Friday in hopes that getting it out of my way will make the work for Honors more productive this week. My goal is to truly have a draft done by the end of this week. It will be hard, but if I plug away at 1500 - 2000 words a day, I might be able to make it work.
Back to this paper for another 10 minutes, then home to read 'Night, Mother. Whoo.