Natsu Dane!

May 28, 2009 10:04

Devin came over last week...Monday~Friday
We went to Bonzai a new Japanese Steck house/Sushi Bar in town. It was AMAZING. Like Fuji's x 10. Really expensive..but Devin only wats the best. Seriously, I ordered the cheapest meal on the menu which ended up being $15. While Devin against my caution ordered the Filet mi yon (sp!) and some sushi. He ate every last bite, but we still had some rice as left overs that I finished up the next day ^^
Blah Blah Blah res of the week~
Devin also let me join him in Playing Left 4 Dead. I usually don't play games like that, because I get scared or just really suck. But I did ok...after I asked him what I had to do every few seconds . It was fun.
I can't wait to go down to Louisianna for a week and visit my love~

5am shift at work is great. I work when it's still dark out, and I come home when It's nice and cool outside. The sun bright. Then I have the whole day to do whatever I want, which is for the start sleep until around 12pm :P

blah blah blah

My parents are doing this diet thing. They already took away Soda when I was like 12~, so I'm used to not drinking soda. But now they've taken away bread...meat...snacks...everything. But I'm ok with that, I'm glad they are trying to loose weight, and at the same time forcing me to eat healthy. I've eatin salads for lunch and dinner the past week or so, which is cool. They're so yummy! And for snack I've been munching on Cucumbers and ranch, which is very yummy as well. I have broken some rules though..Like today I went to Jack and Jill's dougnuts after work and got me two glazed. But i couldn't resist!. Anyways...I really need some meat on these bones.

That's pretty much all I've done since summer started. Hang with my man, work really early and eat healthy.

I have to start school once summer is over, so I better enjoy this freedom to do whatever I want while it lasts. Before I hit the books and come home from work only to go to school.
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