Title: Between Somewhere and Nothing
Author: Guardian Erin
Rating: PG
Fandom: After the Fall (A sort of AU during one of Illyria's time jumps)
Pairing: Spike/Illyria
Disclaimer: I don't own Angel or any spin-offs of it. Joss pretty much threw this pairing at me and said, 'Here, write it! Keep the hope alive!'
Summary: Illyria lost control of her power and took everyone back to the 19th century for a split second. What if that split second had actually lasted a lot longer for them?
Link to story
Title: Dominant
Author: Guardian Erin
Fandom: After the Fall
Pairing: Spike/Illyria, Spike/Maria
Rating: Hard R
Warnings: references to sex, torture, and murder, but nothing explicit. Language.
Disclaimer: I do not own Angel or any spin-offs of it in any form. Thank you, Joss, for approving my new OTP.
Summary: It becomes difficult to discern one hell from another, and every demonic woman he comes across wants Spike to be their pet.
Link to story