Holy Smokes, Batman

Apr 30, 2012 01:00

The last few days have been spent trying to marry the two things I love to do into one. This is the result. Keep in mind, this was written to go with this track http://soundcloud.com/paulielipman/finale-original-mix (copy and paste into your browser) but I think it stands on its own as well. Lemme know what y'all think. Oh yeah, this is one of those where the first line is the title. P.S., once I get this all recorded, I'm looking to do a kinetic typography video to go with it. So, if any of you are well versed in that and Adobe After Effects and interested in helping, let me know.

In Defense Of Dubstep


Bruce Lee's clenched fist

one inch from contact

Zen in its tension, a

blissful rattlesnake


beneath this

study in stillness is

chaotic potential

With a breath,

a quicksilver vibration

shoots through the wrist

A twitch shifts sine wave

into fission, the air

between fist and focus


This liquid moment

exists in all decisions

peace or destruction

precision and abandon

In dubstep

we just call it

the drop

Out of the

calm pinpoint of nothingness

the screams of a thousand gods bellowed

the universe into being

Molecules collided, atoms smashed

and life as we know it ripped forth from

the black fabric of chaos


little specks in all this infiniteness

have spent the whole of human existence

running from our primitive instincts, trying

to enforce order and peace in this

thrashing, barred teeth of a reality, balance

be damned

All things can exist in serenity, but creation

is possible only through violence

Grace is only hollow without the grotesque

All light and no shadow

can only hope to leave a race blind

With stillness

comes reflection


without anticipation

lessons learned can never

bloom, only

turn and wither into


We are not savages

bent on the destruction

of solitude, but merely disciples

of a new kind of tension

and we have only come here

to celebrate


There are no

set steps, for

as many spines

are fused into this

twisting snake, its heart beat

has evolved amphetamine into

into a new kind of thud rumble

Its writhing, singular mass suddenly

sprouting hips and fists, epileptic

out of sync, but still


And when the rhythm drops out

we just roar

until it slaps us in the face


and we are re-born

ripped again out of the darkness

into this thrashing, fantastic sweaty mess

of a world, eyes full of new found wonder

and smiling, with blood

in our teeth

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