what a weekend.. we played an awesome show on friday at the flingern festival and went to the pub later... saturday we started at early afternoon to the pub-festival with the porters to viersen... the weekend ended on sunday with soccer...
click here for more pix -->
http://www.smashboard.de/boardhosting/thread.php?threadid=241&boardid=23&styleid=1&hostingid=1784 (pix from the flingern festival)
http://www.smashboard.de/boardhosting/thread.php?threadid=245&boardid=23&styleid=1&hostingid=1784 (pix from the pub-festival)
http://www.smashboard.de/boardhosting/thread.php?threadid=244&boardid=29&styleid=1&hostingid=1784 (pix from the soccermatch)