friday i went to hooters with trista vinny and joe. we ended up at amandas. and then at the mall.
hooters girl..teaching a little boy how to read?
vinny sucks at taking pictures.
saturday was sams party. me and danii were totally over dressed. we ended up going home to put on jeans.
sunday was easter. we went into the city to visit my aunt and uncle. we walked around central park. it was really nice
maybe monday(?) ho came over and took pictures of me.
so, the 3 day weekend was nice. since i basically have used this lately only for picture posts, update on my life:
im on spring break. it hasnt been that great. pretty boring actually. oh well its monday i still have time to make it good. yesterday i went into the city again to go bowling and play area 51 with my cousin. i was only there for 3 hours. not long enough :( theres some pictures from yesterday that i took on the way home. i got my report card back and it sucks. horribly. at least seiling didnt give me that D. i have spring fever, i got all my summer clothes in my closet, but its only 40 degrees out, and its supposed to rain and be cold all week. danii and chrissie are in florida. i wish i could have gone away this break. i dont want to be here. i miss them :( nothing exciting right now. kind of a waste of a life update. whatever. trista is hopefully comming over later. peace.