Jan 04, 2006 10:55

This is for eric if you are being a crazy LJ stalker!!

normal people;)
hey guys
im in an alright mood today!!! things are goin well.. but i ripped off my toe nail :( it hurt!! it made me late for school. 5 mins late! im in 4th hour lunch chillin here with my bestest dani.. we are just talkin im in armors class cause hes fricken sweet!!! and lets me go on the laptop!! ahh im excited bc i have less than 4 months left of school!!!:):)
yeah i get my plaid clogs today!!
i had a good evening last night. i went out to dinner with alli and eric. we had a good time.. things went well.. go conversations... i was really open last night.. i probably freaked him out.. alli was miffed at me for a bit but then things were cool.. its cloudy outside.. and i want school to be over!!
love love love
over and fricken out
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