september 11....we will never forget...

Sep 11, 2003 12:08

School actually went pretty well, i would say... I got up on time for once, ate a breakfast and got sick, went to all of my classes, got my headshots done and now i am at home.. I just don't think i did to good on my algebra quiz... :( I don't know why, but i had a lot of trouble... My friend Nathan who sits on the side of me, he had trouble to, so i don't feel to bad... We are into variables now and I like those, so i should be ok for the next week or so...

I just got done eating and i thought i would come online to check some of my mailboxes and see if my baby was online... well, i checked my mail and logged on to aim... well he was and i was so excited... I didn't really get to talk to him for like 2 days so i was just so happy... Well, i message him and it was at noon... he asks if he could call me at 1... ummm, i ask where he has to go and he answers "yes, no???" ... So i tell him i would have to start getting ready to go to work at 1 and have to leave by 1:30 at the latest... so he asks again if he can call me at 1... I told him i was just curious where he had to go... I tell him everything and he can't tell me where he is going for an hour??? Kinda funny don't you think???? What am i suppose to think, honestly??? I meen, comunication isnt obviously an issue for him... Then he didn't answer for like 2 minutes and just said bye... What the fuck??? the only time to talk to your girlfriend and you just say bye??? what ever... I gatta write my paper n e wayz.... Where ever he is and what ever he is doind i hope he is having fun... Cuz it better have been worth it....

I meen seriously, Is talking to my boyfriend, the love of my life to much to ask or just for an explanation of where he is going??? Is that really to much??? Am i over reacting??? I don't think so... Help me out here, what am i suppose to think???
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