Aoi Hitorigoto n.58 - Heaven - TRANSLATION-

Mar 13, 2011 22:06

- 藍天群青 HEAVEN -
By Kato Shigeaki
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ )

translation: aoi hitorigoto, members: kato shigeaki

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Comments 15

kibyssima90 March 13 2011, 21:19:19 UTC
Shige shige...... perchè dici sempre delle cose così vere??? °A°
mi trovo a darti sempre ragione!!!!

grazie Giu <3 so che è stata dura ma sei stata chiarissima, come sempre!


newsyuu March 13 2011, 21:57:57 UTC
wahhh~~ i'm so happy with this :D
Then we will be reading more two :3
that's awesome!

i really understand you. i fell the same everytime i read shige's articles! when i started reading his articles in the 1st place i thought, "wow, sugoii~~ we are the same!", and now i'm a big big fan.

and as usual i'm so grateful to this words, that are shige's and gui's words ^^ Thinking: "he is an idol, but he has the same flaws that i have, that's so amazing". this things like blaming the others is my everyday life.

I'm in love by routine! Things that i planned to do! More recently doing his 10 movies project, deciding what i'm going to do for the rest of the day, trying not to loose myself into the sofa, behaving like a lazy person.

Is incredible... this... this feeling of understanding.
I know you are a little like that too, lazy and all, so thank you for winning your lazyness for us! For me, always mean the world!

Thank you so much, gui-chan ^^ and sorry for the big speech
[Nihon ganbatte!!!]


spilledmilk25 March 13 2011, 22:18:44 UTC
Awww thank you ><

I totally agree with everything you said, my most loved feature of Shige is exactly the fact that somehow we have the same age and it seems like he's a friend of mine. Our lives are so different but somehow so similar! He's anguished by our same problems and thoughts, it's just amazing...even though it shouldn't be amazing at all :D

As we were talking some time ago yeah, I'm so lazy XD I like to keep rules for myself too (even tho I don't live by them everytime >_>) or I'd slack around all day long :D

Maah that's just too true ><


newsyuu March 13 2011, 22:58:35 UTC
Precisely! ^^ It really feels like he is a friend ne~
Not trying to be perfect, just embracing who he is. Trying to make it better. Thinking how to do it... but that's it. They're just thought's, we still didn't give everything we have to give.

Not a thing to be proud of, but still makes us happy. Reading this words that could be mine, makes me happy.

Too true! Planning is easy and sound pretty and responsible, still sometimes, i will be standing somewhere around my home or looking at my sweet pc with lovely doramas or tv shows, for me to loose the entire afternoon.

^^ tomorrow is the hate day... that thing called university. i'm gonna guess it's getting kinda late over there :P since it's not early here ^^
I'm done stealing your time, now ^^ You go to sleep and do your best tomorrow! "Do everything that you can" <3


musicfanmrc March 14 2011, 00:38:28 UTC
Thanks for translating. Shige has some interesting thoughts there. And of course my thoughts and prayers go out to Japan and all the people affected.


tinjhi10 March 14 2011, 01:08:54 UTC
Shige <3

Thanks for this gui-chan~! I could totally relate to this essay... thank you so much for translating this, i was able to think through my problems clearly now... i'm just really at awe at how this guy makes such awesome essays...

thanks again~ :))


lunitarix March 14 2011, 01:14:34 UTC
Thank you for translating. I enjoyed

Shige's essay immensely. His words are deep and practical at the same time.

I believe in seizing opportunities as well and that it's so easy to be lazy but it's better and more interesting to challenge oneself to be better.


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