[Translation] Myojo - NEWS & animals

Jan 21, 2011 16:01

MYOJO 03.2011 - NEWS & PETS


Honestly when I was a kid I had no big interest in animals...I was busy with soccer and exams, I had no much time to think to anything else. I had contacts with them just when I went to friends' house and they let me touch their pets. One day after middle school though I fell in love at first sight with a puppy in a pet shop. That puppy is the one I still have at my parents' home, the papillon dog Tinny. She was so cute that I spent all the money I was saving from the New Year's presents to buy her with my own money. I wanted her that much. From then I've always lived with Tinny. That time I just started working, I was getting familiar to the entertainment world and there were bitter, crying days too. Then Tinny came throttling at my side to sit near to me. Me and Tinny were just sitting next to each other in silence but that really encouraged me, it gave me comfort. I'm glad from the bottom of my heart to have Tinny!

[So cute >_<]

Since last Autumn a toy poodle, Skull, joined my family. Now he's only 6 months old, he weights only 1 kg. It's a little tiny boy. I was pretty lonely living on my own but now that I live with him everyday is funny! The most happy moment is when we take naps together. I lie prone in the living room and he comes over my back, we sleep like this. I always complain "If you stay on my back I can't move anymore!" but he's too cute and I don't want to awake him so I try to stay in that position for some time. At maximum I could stay firm for one hour though...it was difficult. It's not like I was doing anything, I was playing videogames in that posture (lol). Actually I've been a little away from Skull. I started filming Dekawanko and I really haven't a precise time table so I had to leave him at my parent's place. Once in a week my mom brings Skull at my place in the early morning, those days are really funny! I'm so happy to see him again!


It's the first time I'm with a Squirrel monkey but this guy is not shy at all (lol). It's cute but it scares me a little...I was silent and he climbed on my head, he's so curious! Looking at him I realized that maybe I'm kinda like a monkey. I can't stay calm too. I don't like to stay in the same place for long time. When I have to stay in the studios for the whole day I take any opportunity of free time to go to karaoke and cheer me up. When I can't go out there's nothing else to do but sleep though (lol)

[Shigepi <3 lol]

When I was little I think I went to the zoo but I can't remember. Now I haven't the possibility to go there but I'd like to go to Africa's Savanna to see the animals that live there. Watching a big group of buffalos must be powerful. I love white tigers. The reason is...they're cool (lol). Because they're tigers but white! They're really cool.

At home I have a miniature dachshund called P, I have him since my 3rd year in middle school. A friend gave me him and Takizawa-kun named him like that. Since I'm Yamapi Takizawa-kun said I had to call him something like Peat Takepi or Antonio Inopi, in the end he became only P. I also have another one, Hime, my mom brought her home, I didn't even know. She thought that P was getting a little lonely. At first we named her Choco but since my mom kept calling her Hime she got used to be called like that and we kept that name. P now is 10 yrs old, Hime's 9. A grandpa and a grandma. When I look at them I always think that they're part of my family. They've always been at my side. Just having them near is enough to me. Just seeing how happy they are when I feed them makes me happy too. Maybe we're similar in character? P never ever barks but when he's with Hime he barks to people he doesn't know. He's a boy so he feels he must protect the girl. He never fights for himself but he takes out his guts if he can protect somebody else. Thinking like this, I respect him as a man.

[I love how they talk about their pets T_T I'm jealous cause I never had one]


I'd love to have as pet unusual animals, different from common dogs or cats. Owl is one of the animal I've always liked. Their sleeping face is so cute and sweet but they're ferocious with preys, they have such a tough image. Between the birds they are my favourite. They feed with insects and they are nocturne animals so we couldn't play in the day time, because of these points I give up in having them as pets though. Aren't they cool!? They can turn their heads of 360° to the left and to the right, their wings are aerodynamic so when they fly they're very silent. The Shinkansen was created thinking to this characteristic. That means that owl became the counter-measure to Japanese noises! Then, I want a little monkey, a Pigmy slow loris!! They can't be imported so it's kinda difficult to have one in Japan but you can find common squirrel monkeys in the pet shops, I was thinking of buying one. Of course animals who can give you a responce are the best, like owls or monkeys. I want my love to be answered. My mom used to have a turtle, I never really understood her feelings (lol).

[Shige wants a monkey *______* ihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi *///*  I don't get why my dad likes so much his turtle too @_@]

At my parents' place I have a miniature dachshund, Nana. I have her since she was a puppy, at first my dad didn't want to bring her home because he said that it would have been painful when she die. I really wanted her so I brought her home the same. Nana will celebrate her 8th birthday on 25th January. In human age she's around 50 yrs old, recently she's getting old. My mom said she can't jump too much anymore and that she began to fart while sleeping. She's turning into a grandma (lol). Nana is very friendly. More friendly that the common level, she licks the face even to people met the first time. Koyama and Tegoshi can tell that. Since she rather love people from the first meeting when I go to my home from time to time she immediately comes running to me but she takes some minutes to understand it's me. She's been living with me for 8 years so of course she's my family, it's obvious. Meeting Nana is one of the thing that makes me come back home from time to time, I always want her to be healthy!

[Shige's dog is born my same day....kore tte destiny!? LOL]


I started living with my cat Nyanta 14 years ago. Originally my sister brought him home, she found him abandoned near her high school and she thought it was a shame to leave him there. He was newly born so he must have been sad without his mom. He immediately became a part of my family. He loved to follow me. He always waited for me in front of the door when I was in the bathroom or in the toilet, he always came to sleep in my futon or over it. We even awake at the same time in the morning. I can't say that I've always wanted him. There were times in which I told him to leave me alone and he always did. We lived together for 14 years so now I can kinda understand what Nyanta is thinking. I leave him doing what he wants and I'm happy too.

When I was 5 yrs old I was brought to see a zoo in Hawaii. There was a corner where you could climb some stairs to go to giraffes' heads' level, I remember I climbed them until the end. I was so shocked to see the giraffe's head in front of me! I remember I was moved to think that the giraffe from his heigh could see such a scenary. Recently there are many places in Japan where you can see unusual animals. I've been to film in Ueno Zoo, there is the sloth area, the animals come very near to the people. It's because sloth are not very good at moving so even if they take them out of their cage they can't escape. It's great to being able to see such events!

Between the animals of course the ones I like the most are felines. In particular I like panthers! They're really fascinating with their strenght and velocity but I love their pattern! I'd like to walk with a panter on a leash. I wouldn't like to feed them since they eat meat and are pretty scary but if there wasn't this problem I'd totally want to have one!


When I was at kindergarten I was chased by a dog and he bit my leg. Since then I'm not really good with animals...I must say, I've always been scared of them. My mom told me that thanks to them I became very fast at running though (lol). Well, my way of thinking changed a little in the last 3-4 years. Before I used to be scared or to don't want to stay near animals but now I start to think they're cute. In a shop I often go there's a customer who always brings along his miniature duchshund. I've always been scared but some time ago this little dog was running inside the shop and came bumping to my leg. He didn't take the right measures (lol). I thought he was cute... Recently I've been thinking that maybe I could have a miniature duchshund too. If I'll ever bring a dog home I want to wake up early in the morning to walk him out!

The members always said that I'm like a pig...I've always liked pigs, not for this reason though. They're cute and somehow I've been attracted by them. Even if I say this I never really been with one before, I'm happy I'm shooting with one today! I thought they were more savage, this one immediately came near. I also fed him! Well, maybe he came near the food more than near to me (lol)

I like girls who have an aura like a cat and a personality like a dog. At first they may look free and indipendent but if you get closer you can see that they're friendly. I think I'm like a dog too maybe...Basically I'm not shy at all. Of course you can say that if you're not one of my friends or if we never talked before though. You have to know a person a little before having an impression about him. Maybe a little courage is essential but if you properly greet or if you look at the other inside his eyes, there's no way you can have a bad impression to people. It's a waste to not have a nice first meeting! Everybody should be like dogs, woof!

[Somebody is going to be happy with this :D]


When I was at junior school one day I found a little dog in front of my house. I was scared so I just entered home waiting for my brother to come back. When I was little I was chased by a dog so I've never been too good with them. That day my brother helped me and it was all ok but the next day the dog was again there at the same place at the same hour. My brother fed him and I tried to touch him too but my mom didn't allow us to bring him home. In the end she said that if we found him there the next day too we could keep him, that's how we finally had a dog. I've known about this only recently, but it seems it was my dad to go searching for that dog so that we could bring him home the next day. He kept this secret even from our mom to make us kids happy. Isn't he an amazing dad? We gave him the name Chibi because he was really tiny. We usually kept him outside but when there was bad weather he could enter home. We were always playing together. My mom doesn't like dogs so she didn't want him inside the house but in the end she got used to him too. She also said she's glad we have him.

I often go to the zoo even now. The hyenas are so cool! They have a bad reputation but they are so great. I love to see the DVDs of Discovery Channel, recently one about lions was published. Lions are prideful, they can chase many animals bigger than them. But tigers are even cooler than lions. Tigers would be much stronger than lions in a fight.

Don't mind me too much, I did this because in a bad mood and I know this has already been translated so in the middle I got lazy and translated it roughly in some bits. Sorry ^^"

members: all, mags: myojo, translation: magazine, news

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