Random Meme :D

Nov 21, 2010 21:06

Meme from Rei, she doesn't know it but she tagged me U_U ohohoh (Nottrue, I just stealed it)

Favourite song right now?:
Can't stand me now - The Libertines  KYAAAAAAH it's sooo much in my mind, I love it so much, I love the lyrics, I love the reason behind them >___< I LOVE this angsty performance, it literally beats every angsty fanfiction you'll ever read :D

image Click to view

Ps: They were best friends and lovers and they wrote this song after their big, violent break up :P
They so hated each other at the time of this performance XD Though the lyrics say "All you do it's making me cry, I'm still in love with you" AWWWWW (Yeah, this was random and nobody cares =_= I wanted to share my crazy flails)

Last album you bought/downloaded?: 
Mucc - Karma  Pretty disappointing but little by little I'm appreciating it ^^ Guess it's only too different from my expectations.

Last movie you watched? Did you like it?:
Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows. I just came back from the cinema actually XD It was so good, I loved it and I want one of the Weasley twins *ç*

Three things that are super-annoying at the moment?: 
The approaching JLPT
My friend talking to me even though our relationship right now is like the one of the video above :D
Rain ><

If you had to spend time in prison for any crime, what would it be?:
Shige's sexual harassment or rape :P

What's really scary?:
Natural disaster, diseases

Name two items nearest to you:
Nintendo DS
Wink Up with mabushii smily Shige on the cover

Top five words/phrases you use?:
Cioè tipo (I mean, like...)
Vabbè (That's ok...)

Two things you're excited for this year?: 
The birth of my cousin's baby
The hope of something good happening to me :)

Your favorite ice cream flavor?:
Milk with chocolate chips

Guiltiest pleasure?: 
Shige :D 
Cookies ><
Pete Doherty dhgfsgfushfuhf

Favorite color?: 

If you could rescue any animal, what would it be and would you keep it?: 
Pandas? They're cute.... lol

Worst drama you've ever seen?: 
Koizora =o=

Best way to relax?: 
Music, pc, tea...

Favourite quote/lyric?: 
If you've lost your faith in love and music oh, the end won't be long.

Are there any bits of childhood that you miss?: 
Thinking that the world is perfect and lovely

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter?: 

Say something to the person who tagged you:
Hello me Reii!! X°D


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