I'm happy that my post of yesterday with the entry of Koyama's jweb brought us to the big announcement of the concerts!!
Basically I can't go there in any way so I'm happy for the fans who will be able to see them and for NEWS themselves that can start to work together again :D My excitement now is for them having a bigger visibility on magazines and tv shows, I hope for new releases and most of all...I want CUTE concert goodies!! XDD
Sorry if lately I'm not very active here, I don't always reply to all the lovely comments I receive and I don't feel too much like translating Ryo & Pi's scans >< The heat is killing me! I don't have the will to do anything =O=
Since my graduation the days are so boring, I have nothing to do, my friends are busy with exams or work so I barely go out - and btw it's too hot to go out lol - Now I only wait for next month because I'll leave for Madrid with friends \o/
My life is pretty boring and I have nothing to tell you XD I opened a Flickr account with my pictures, if you have an account feel free to add me or just send me some comments, I'd be happy *v*
My Flickr See you soon <3