SABU x SHIGE cross-talking

Jun 21, 2010 20:30

From TV PIA (05.2010) a double interview with Director SABU and Kato Shigeaki :)

Credits to: je_cookiedaysx

If we think to SABU movies we have the image of "running"

-In your movies there are a lot of running scenes, in this drama too...

SABU: There were running scenes since the first day of filming, you know? (lol)

SHIGE: The first episode opens with my character, Tokuda, running. If you see the script, that scene takes 3-4 pages.

-You did nothing but run there, wasn't the script too much long for that?

SHIGE: In reality even if I ran a lot I felt like I wished it was even more (lol). Watching the results I thought: "Ah this is what it looks like in the end!". Even if I was just running, people who watched such a long scene weren't surely bored, it's amazing. It made me think "This is SABU-san touch!". SABUISM!

SABU: This is how you can recognize a genius (lol)

SHIGE: SABU-san likes to praise his own self (lol)

SABU: Shige's running was obviously kakkoi and he succeeded in taking out the sadness of the character too. I thought "He's really good!"

SHIGE: Thanks God. In the past, people told me that I look nice when I run but that I'm so slow that it seems I'm using the slow-motion. But thanks to that show (Soukon) I became a little faster. That experience wasn't totally useless (lol).

First try with a TV drama! How about the timing?

SABU-san is famous for his movies, why this time you chose to try a tv drama?

SABU: I always had interest in dramas but somehow I never had the right timing. This time was by chance, I thought that if I had an original work that was good enough I could try that, and here we are.

SHIGE: I watched the most recent work by SABU-san, "Kanikousen", it was extremely interesting. It made me think "I want to shoot with him no matter what".

SABU: "Troubleman" was a script that I firstly wrote to use as a movie but I think that maybe I can still convert it in a movie after using it for a drama. While writing it I loved the side issues of the story and I kept writing stuff to put into it and I couldn't keep out the humour sides of it in the end. There were many things in my old works too that went wasted so this time I tried to keep everything. In total there are 12 episodes but I think I could go on with it longer.

SHIGE: I still think that being able to be the main character in a SABU work is a great thing. In "Kanikousen" there were crabs falling down since the opening! He's such an extreme director! (lol). Until now I always starred in drama very easy to understand; I couldn't refuse such an opportunity, I wanted to try this surreal entertainment. I love this genre. Even if SABU's movies are not so easy to understand I can forgive it. If it was a normal work I would have been limited, I was able to act in a very carefree way, he didn't tell me anything.

SABU: This is because you're good, Shige. I think that I was blessed, I'm happy my work is connected with his first main role.

The atmosphere during the filming in SABU-way was great!

SABU: It's impossible to film if the preparation isn't done seriously. You have to take a firm grip of the script and of the images. Everything must be complete. If everything is fine I can allow the cast to fool around during the filming. When the shape is well defined, it's ok to go out of bounds then! If we overdo it we can always fix it (lol).

SHIGE: I thought that if I acted in full security it wouldn't have been funny so I'm glad there was also a playful side.

SABU: All the actors understood fully their characters. Maybe this took them a long time but like this the play was more interesting than they expected. We were always laughing.

SHIGE: I can still hear the laughing voice of SABU-san and the staff. Because they were always laughing. The atmosphere during the filming was so fresh, everybody got excited and started to give their ideas. We proposed a lot of things and everytime we were told "It's ok!".

SABU: Because I was sleeping from time to time (lol).

SHIGE: He started since the early morning to draw the image contest so around 6 p.m he was already sleepy (lol). So when he was sleepy he told me OK even if I went bad and I wasn't doing my best (lol) but I always tried to act well the same.

SABU: Correct. So correct.

SHIGE: By the way, all the characters were so deep, the tension of the actors was always high. We was dragged into it without thinking. This is one of the interesting parts of the drama, Tokuda is a very normal guy. For this I tried to act more natural as possible.

Lastly, let us know the highlines from now on.

SHIGE: From now on there will be a lot of extreme scenes. Not all are funny but they're odd and sometimes they'll make you cry. SABU-san is really great! He's reliable and he knows how to calm down the people. So clever.

SABU: I love to make people laugh when they shouldn't do it.

SHIGE: It's absolutely interesting so please watch it! I'll wait impatiently for it too!

SABU: It's a drama that makes you sad and excited every time. Towards the 12th episode...I'll make you cry!

It seems Troubleman will have 12!! *v*

I like SABU, he seems a funny man :D I love how he praise Shige <3

translation: magazine, mags: tvpia, members: kato shigeaki

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