Habemus meme(m)! *_*

May 31, 2010 00:36

Stolen from prisps  ^___^

I felt like posting something but it's too late to translate something XD So here you are...

   * Pick a word that starts with the first letter of you first name : The first one was "Gatto" which means "Cat" in Italian...let's go with "Gesture"
    * Without saying names say something to three people.
         1. Stop playing with my heart  brain
         2. Don't be depressed
         3. Sorry for being so mute lately
    * Is your profile private? No. I want everybody to read my translations.
    * What’s something that always gives you the chills? Uhmmm nothing, insects if they are too big or too near my body XD
    * Do you do your own laundry? Nope <3
    * What do people think about you that isn’t true? That I'm a strong person. That I'm very good with boys (LOL)
    * How many months until your birthday? 8 months ><
    * What are you listening to? Nothing, it's late
    * Does it bother you when your friends bring up your past mistakes? Depends on the mistakes. Depends on the tone. <--QUOTE
    * Name the first person you can think of that you know that has a tattoo? One of my friend, Elisa.
    * Is there a guy who knows everything or just about everything about you? Sure! I always had best male friends ^^"
    * Do you like winter time? Yup, it's my favourite season!
    * What was the last movie you seen? "Matrimoni e altri disastri" an Italian movie ^^
    * Did you ever lose a best friend? Nope, we don't hear eachother too much anymore but I didn't lose her :)
    * Who's the first girl you’d go to if there was something wrong? None. My best friends are male and my best female friend is too far and we don't talk too much anymore as I said. So I guess there aren't girls for me :D But I have several good girls friends on the web <3
    * Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you’ll get it? No, it never happens.
    * Do you like to cuddle? Yeah a lot *___*
    * Are you ticklish? Nope :D
    * Last time you had butterflies in your stomach? It's weird...a lot of time ago I guess, lately I had the occasions to feel them but I didn't.
    * What’s the best feeling in the world? Have no thoughts and just be quiet with yourself
    * Can you play Guitar Hero? Never tries ><
    * How’s your heart lately? Fine, I guess....ok yeah I'm still alive, yeah it's fine XD
    * Are you a jealous person? Never!
    * Any plans for tomorrow? I'll go to university and then to lunch with my friends...then I'll have to study ><
    * Do you wear the hood on your hoodie? No, it never happens.
    * What was one thing you always loved at parks when you were little?  COTTON CANDY! \o/ 
    * Would you rather be called hot, cute, or beautiful?  I'm mostly called "cute" because I'm not beautiful and definitively not hot...it's ok like this ^^  
   * What’s the last thing you laughed really hard over? Maybe it was last week when I was with friends...don't remember actually!
    * Who did you call first this morning? I didn't call anybody ^^"
    * Last night, did you go to sleep smiling? No, kinda depressed indeed
    * Any summer plans for 2010? We want to go to a big amusement park but who knows...
    * The last song you heard? Ichibu to zembu - B'z
    * How long can you go without your phone? Lol I usually keep it in my jacket's pocket for DAYS without looking at it so...
    * Were you happy when you woke up today? Not at all, I was normal
    * Are you missing someone? Kinda
    * If you could go back in time, how far back would you go? MY FIRST YEAR OF UNIVERSITY. BEST TIME EVAH
    * Are you the youngest person living in your house? Yup
    * If there were no letters on the keys on your keyboard, could you still type? Don't know...maybe not too well ><
    * Do you still speak to any of your classmates from elementary school? Yup my best friend :D
    * Do you believe that there’s good in everybody? Yes basically, but if this good is well well hidden it's like it doesn't exist imho
    * Anything you’re currently looking forward to? Graduation ^^
    * Who was the last girl you saw? My friend Valentina friday   
   * Who was the last boy you saw? My friend Rocco friday, we were all together XD    
   * Where will you be this time next year? Probably here, same chair, same room, same everything ._.
    * Anything special happen today? Really, nothing.
    * Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? Anywhere else would be fine, actually.
    * What kinda of shirt are you wearing? A red hello kitty shirt :D It's the shirt of my pyjamas *_*
    * Does it take a lot to make you cry? Not that much :D But it dipends on the occasion!
    * How do you feel when the opposite sex cries in front of you? Oh well it depends on the reason O.o it's not like I immediately melt in front of a guy crying, except he is some japanese idol LOL 
    * Are you the same as you were a year ago? Yeah, unfortunately. Except I'm single now ._.
    * Has anybody ever given you butterflies? As a present? LOL  Well yeah
    * Has anything happened to you in the past month that made you really mad? Can't remember XD
    * Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months or more? I only had long relationship so yeah.
    * Are you travelling anytime soon? No. I'm poor ><
    * Have you ever taken anyone/anything for granted? I guess everybody does at least once ^^
    * Do you tend to make things complicated? A LOT!! hauahuahauha <--- hysterical laughter
    * Whose bed did you sleep in last night? Mine XD
    * Have you ever cried so hard you felt like you were going to throw up? Yeah ><
    * Do you think you cry a lot? I used to
    * Who was the last person you said I love you to? A real real I love you was to my ex a lot lot of months ago. But I said I love you to my friend just friday <3


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