kingdom meme

May 29, 2010 00:30

Let me see...I'm Ju the royal magician from Newsnippon realm againt Bakaaiba realm.

My king is OBVIOUSLY king Kato <3 who sends me to marry king MatsuJun (Yey! But Kato-sama T__T I want to be with youuu) because the rival king requested me (*__* I knowIknow) but I refuse because king MatsuJun annoys me XDXD
The two realms are rivals because (OF COURSE) my kingdom is more popular, no doubts, our king is elite U___U
The leader of the rival knights is Yamapi who helps me because he knows that MatsuJun is in love with me (*_*) and in the end we conquer both the realms  \o/

This is what you get to having sold me king Kato!! èé
How do you dare sold your number one fan!? T__T So mean!


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