Potato 2010.04

Mar 10, 2010 19:40

POTATO 2010 - 04 - NEWS & FOODS


I like Yakitori and gyoza at the same way! If it's for dinner, I think I could go on eating only sushi, gyoza and yakitori in rotation (lol). Those 3 are my favourite. I can't give them a position. I like eating sushi and yakitori when I'm out but I love the most eating gyouza at home. Because it's a taste to which I'm used since I was little.
When I was little I used to help preparing them but usually I never cook. I think I'd like to learn. Because a man who can cook is cool. If I was able to do something like pasta using my hands it would be great.
Recently I'm eating a lot of pan meals. Pans are really great when it's cold. I love when people is eating around a pan. Motsu Pan is delicious! After eating it you can add rice porridge or noodles according to tastes but basically I prefer noodles. All my acquaintances prefer zousui so after their advices I tried it and I started to like it more. But still I like noodles the most (lol).
I think that people who can go eating out alone are very adult. About this, I went alone to eat Yakitori seating at the counter of the shop. I wanted to eat yakitori at any costs, I invited many people but everybody refused so I went all alone. But usually when I go out with somebody I never want to choose the shop, because I don't want to make the booking (lol). But when I have to I do my best. In those cases I choose a restaurant where I've eaten and that it's good.

A taste that I can't forget is my mom's Chikuzenni. She still cook it when I go back home, it's so good. Because it's something I eat since I was a kid. I love everything my mom cooks.
Another taste that I can't forget it's from when I went to France for work: French bread. It was so good. It was with olive oil and salt free butter. That time I also tasted Escargots for the first time, they were delicious too.

My favourite food is rice. Expecially when I come back from a foreigner country and I eat rice here, it makes me think "So goooood!!" (lol). Of course rice is the best into white meals. If I want to be transgressive, fried Yakigatou.
Yes, red meat is great. Thinking about the nutrition's balance I also eat lot of vegetables. Even when I go to restaurant I absolutely order it. Recently I went to a salad bar and I ate a lot of salad. Lately I'm always very hungry.
My points when I have to choose a restaurant?
Maybe my mood. If I'm with somebody I don't try to meet his tastes too. I'm the type "I don't want that, I want to it this!" (lol). For this, I'm quite always the one who choose the place. Of course if I'm in the mood that everything is ok I make the other choose.
Sometimes I cook but lately I never do it. Half an year ago 3 of my friends came to my place and I prepared the meal, I don't do it since then.

The tastes that I can't forget are of course the ones of my parents' cooking. More than any high class restaurant, my home cooking is the best. It's because they perfectly know my tastes. But in reality I never really went to an high class restaurant (lol). My parents are very good to cook. When I was little I loved curry but right now I don't like a single thing particularly, I like everything.
Sometimes I cook. Not very usually thought (lol). When I have nothing to do and if I'm in the right mood I cook. Lately I prepared soup pasta.
Other than my house cookings I like sushi and ramen. Saba sushi is the best. Tonkotsu ramen is my favourite. I can eat ramen every single day! Then, recently I love Ninniku Motsu pan. I ate it in a restaurant and it was great.
What makes me choose a restaurant are feelings. I can choose by myself but if I'm with friends I usually say "Everything is fine". In reality I'm not very interested in food so to me everything is good (lol). I quite never think that some food is bad. Since eating out costs, I'm the type who prefer to spend his money in other ways. Tonight I'll go eat Subbon pan. It's the first time I eat it. Honestly I don't even really know what subbon is but I hope it will be good.

Since we have a ramen shop, the taste that I can't forget is the one of my mom's gyouza. She prepares them from 30 years, even before I was born, so I always ate them. I think that they have an original taste, it never changes. I think it's because of the taste of the wrapping.
Something I love to eat is pizza! I bought it in a mall in America, I like the fact that the material is all soft (lol). It's so good! Of course I also like ramen. Between the ones that my mother cooks I love the miso one the most. I love it also simple! I also put it inside the miso soup, if you add boiled salad it's crispy and delicious.

I can cook. I love the food that usually kids love. I like omelette rice. Now I add cheese and milk, I'm searching the perfect way to make the eggs soft. I put the soft eggs over the ketchup rice, I cut in the middle so that the eggs go down, like this. There isn't another joy as when you succeed in a good omelette! (lol). Then I'm also trying to cook a good napolitan. Half an year ago I discovered a great napolitan restaurant. I'm kinda orthodox but pasta and tomatoes sauce are superb. They also add vegetables like onions or green peppers but I don't want to insist too much on this, it's a taste so good that it moves me (lol). I'd like to being able to cook that ideal taste too but after eating in that shop I wonder if I'll be able.
By the way right now I'd be able to talk that passionately about napolitan for ages! If I go on like this tonight I'll end to go eat it (lol).
When I'm asked about my favourite food I decided to answer Bream meal. Thinking like this I want to eat it so I have to enlarge the subject (lol). I ate it prepared by myself recently too. I caught it in December when I went to fishing and it was waiting in my freezer. I thought that if it's freezed the taste remains the same so I made it melt and then cooked it. I put in a earthen pan rice and stock, I added shouyu and over it the cooked bream. When I put it on the stove it trickled (lol).
The first time I discovered bream meal was during high school time. My mom loved everything that was with rice, like bream or hitsumabushi. The bream meal of that time was delicious. The point to prepare a good bream is to broil the skin in only one time. The results of my research: if the outside is well cooked and the inside is quite raw is delicious. Bream is my pride cooking. And it's also very easy to do.
I'm a collector of seasonings. I also have a drawer for them and half of my fridge is for seasonings (lol). If I find souvenirs, special salts or some spice that catches my attention I have to buy it. When I went in January to Okinawa with Koyama too I bought Kooreeguusu. It can be poured on Soba, when I was little it was a little too strong for me but now I love hot foods so I like that sauce. I put it even on boiled tofu. Recently I thought about diet,  I frequently eat boiled tofu prepared by me but I have some concern about it.
I can't forget the taste of the curry rice of my high school. Carrots, potatoes, onions, pork meat, it was a very normal curry rice but it was delicious every single day. Some days I also ate soba or udon but usually I went for curry. If I once decide that I like something then I have to eat it always. During the shootings of Code Blue too, I quite always eat curry at the studios dining room. I put in it vegetables, I think it's a meal with good balance. Then in winter it's cold so I prefer eating hot curry than a cold bento.

Curry is my only favourite food. Then there is ramen, yakiniku, soba. Basically I love carbohydrate food, there isn't anything I don't like. I'm also ok with Bakuchii that is hated by many people. I liked it before.
Something I love recently? Just curry (lol). I have it at days and nights, I like it so much that I could live only with that. Yesterday night too I went out to eat it. When I thought about what to eat I noticed a good-looking curry shop so I entered there.
I love curry, ramen and soba.
Talking about soba, I love Okinawa soba! The first time I ate it I was moved. I could eat that everyday too. Maybe I assume too much carbos. By the way, I'd like to taste every possible food of the world (lol).
What I want to eat tonight? I can't think anything but curry (lol). Maybe also chaahan. I eat only carbos but I think a lot about my nutrition. I drink vegetables juices and I do my best to eat them!
I quite never cook. Maybe I should give it a try but in the end I'm annoyed by it. But I'm good at frying! Then at seasoning food but I'm very poor at cooking and put things in order (lol).

I have to admit that I didn't do very accurately this one. Too many foods name I don't know. XD
This is the first time I hated Shige XD I don't eat fish, I hate it. I can't stand to see alive fishes and even more dead ones @_@
Translating all his blabbing made me feel sick >_______

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