[Translation] Wink Up 12.2013 - Qs from fans

Nov 28, 2013 14:38

Wink Up 12.2013 - Qs from fans

Q1. During the lives do you try to understand whose fans there are, like from the color of clothes?
We do understand that. After all I prioritize the uchiwas. Thanks to them you understand who's the favorite in a glance. Fans always want to look closely to their favorites, sometimes I'm straight before their eyes but they're looking to XX with binoculars (lol).

Q2. What did you do on September 15?
Uhm~ What did I do? Ah! I was at home and I watched NEWS special video!

Q3. I love NEWS so much that I don't think I'll be able to get a boyfriend, what can I do (lol)?
You can have NEWS as boyfriends! But if you want to have a real boyfriend you have to work on it! On my radioshow I found out that there were male fans who came to the lives alone. Try to flirt with them (lol). If you find a husband like this we'd be very happy.

Q4. Dying hair so much don't you worry about split hair, isn't it achy?
My hairdresser says that my hair are very strong. When I go to the hair saloon I always take a proper treatment though.

Q5. How much do you love the members?
If they contact me I can cancel my arrangements to watch a movie I waited so long for. If I had plans to go fishing though I'd feel guilty but I wouldn't cancel...that's the extent of my love (lol). I mean, I can't go fishing anytime while I meet them so frequently! (lol)

Q6. Do you ever think you'd like to sing somebody else's solo song?
Tegoshi's ones would be nice. The latest one, performed with a band, was very enjoyable. Outside NEWS, maybe Tsuyoshi-kun's songs? I love his solo album, I listened to it a lot.

Q7. What are the words you want to say to members before you die?
Uh~ I can't even imagine that! Old men NEWS (lol). I guess I'd just like to express them my thankfulness for spending a long life together.

Q8. I want NEWS to do things that nobody else did before, what would you like to do?
I want to have a variety show. In the past I wanted to "look cool" but now I'm more confident and I can do more things. I'm a novelist, but I'm also an idol with fans. I don't need to play cool anymore, I gave up on trying too hard to look cool (lol).

Q1. During the lives do you try to understand whose fans there are, like from the color of clothes?
I observe fans thinking that maybe...the most fashionable ones are my fans (lol). The easier to understand are the ones holding uchiwas with our pictures. Somebody personalize them too, that makes me happy, but I prefer to make eye contact.

Q2. What did you do on September 15?
I was at home doing very plain everyday stuff. The anniversary of my entrance in the agency has a more special meaning to me. That's the day my life changed, right? It was the 8th November 1998. It was a rainy day.

Q3. I love NEWS so much that I don't think I'll be able to get a boyfriend, what can I do (lol)?
That makes me happy! But I'd be happy also to know you found a wonderful boyfriend. I support you!

Q4. Dying hair so much don't you worry about split hair, isn't it achy?
Eh? Achy? I'm an idol, my hair never hurts (lol). I'm joking, hair color choose your clothes too, right? You would think that blond hair don't match every outfit, I think that my hair color suits everything. I chose it talking with my hairdresser. A lot of people asked me what color is it, it's just "red"...it faded out a little and that's how I got my current color.

Q5. How much do you love the members?
This much. I leave it to your imagination (lol).

Q6. Do you ever think you'd like to sing somebody else's solo song?
I wouldn't do members' solo songs. Each solo has the member's personality, they wouldn't suit me. If I had to do it I'd like fans to choose for me. When I was a Junior I saw Takizawa-kun sing Sakamoto-kun's "Shelter", it was really great. I watched that performance at home so many times, I learnt its choreography too. I think I would be able to dance it even now. I'd also like to dance to Tackey&Tsubasa's "REAL DX".

Q7. What are the words you want to say to members before you die?
"Thank you.........I'll be back!" (lol)

["I'll be back" was in English. Anyway, creepy lol]

Q8. I want NEWS to do things that nobody else did before, what would you like to do?
More than doing innovative things, I'd like to challenge ourselves trying to surpass the things that our senpai did in the past. I want to give new power to Johnny's traditional "singing and dancing" principles.

Q1. During the lives do you try to understand whose fans there are, like from the color of clothes?
I can guess more or less. I understand who's my fan. There were a lot of cosplayers in school uniform (lol). There were also guys with my same hairstyle. I also realize there are a lot of Massu's fans because they don't want to miss any expression and thing he does.

Q2. What did you do on September 15?
I went to Hong Kong with some friends. Of course I remembered the anniversary, but I felt we celebrated our anniversary already at the Tokyo Dome.

Q3. I love NEWS so much that I don't think I'll be able to get a boyfriend, what can I do (lol)?
That's totally fine. You have me. But I'm a tsundere and I move by instincts, if you want somebody more "steady" it may be a problem (lol). Talking seriously, if you really want a boyfriend it's important to find common interests. You should try to find a guy who can be interested in NEWS and willing to listen to our music, instead of one who doesn't like Johnny's.

Q4. Dying hair so much don't you worry about split hair, isn't it achy?
I get a treatment once a week, my hair are perfect. I love to take care of myself, I especially like the feeling after going to the hairdresser (lol).

Q5. How much do you love the members?
100% and 0. When we're together for work I love them 100%. But in private life my feelings are all for family and friends.

Q6. Do you ever think you'd like to sing somebody else's solo song?
Uhm...no. Members' solo songs are suited for them. I don't know many songs from the other groups because my experience in Juniors was short.

Q7. What are the words you want to say to members before you die?
Something like "Let's meet again in our next life!" Anyway I was a vampire in the previous one (lol). I bit Koyama once (lol).

Q8. I want NEWS to do things that nobody else did before, what would you like to do?
A variety show! In the past I thought I wasn't right for a variety, since I've been working on ItteQ I changed completely. I learnt a lot about communication and presence in studio, I can make people laugh, it's so much fun. I'd be so happy to have an amusing show all together!

Q1. During the lives do you try to understand whose fans there are, like from the color of clothes?
I understand that! The easiest to notice are Tegoshi's fans. They cosplay, they dye their hair as Tegoshi, they're very showy. I often check the uchiwas to be sure.

Q2. What did you do on September 15?
I watched the NEWS video on the web. Watching it I fully realized it was our 10th anniversary and I remembered the live at Tokyo Dome.

Q3. I love NEWS so much that I don't think I'll be able to get a boyfriend, what can I do (lol)?
It's ok to not have a boyfriend. Tegoshi always says he is everybody's boyfriend and you all are my wives (lol). If you get a boyfriend you're cheating on us (lol). Well, fans' happiness is our happiness though. It would be wonderful if you could meet the man of your life during a NEWS live

Q4. Dying hair so much don't you worry about split hair, isn't it achy?
I always get a nice treatment when I go to the hair saloon, my hair are very fine. I always ask for non-aggressive dyes. When I dyed my hair light brown for the lives my old fans were all very pleased to see me, new fans who only saw me with dark hair were surprised too. It made me realize I spent 10 years in this world again.

Q5. How much do you love the members?
So much that I'm ok even if this will stay forever as an unrequited love...

Q6. Do you ever think you'd like to sing somebody else's solo song?
Shige's "Vampire~"! I want to put on the fangs and scare people (lol). From other artists I'd like to sing "Circle". When I was a Junior I saw it sung by Tackey and Yamapi, it was really cool.

Q7. What are the words you want to say to members before you die?
It's very plain but it would be a "Thank you". Then, as members' privilege I'd ask Tegoshi to sing me a lullaby!

Q8. I want NEWS to do things that nobody else did before, what would you like to do?
This group already did a lot of things that nobody else did (lol). I think this became NEWS' weapon. Whatever we do is always something new. A lot of people want us to do "Soukon" again. I'd like to have a variety show like that again, to do silly things with all our hearts to do something good.
What we get from this interview is that NEWS support their fans on being #foreveralone lol
I liked it because the questions were more original and interesting this time, since they came from fans~

members: all, mags: winkup, translation: magazine, news

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