Happy 10th Anniversary ♥

Sep 15, 2013 13:57

I remember once on Twitter somebody said something on the line: "Don't treat NEWS members as if they were your friends."
It wasn't meant in a mean way, of course everybody should be respectful with idols, but my honest thought and reaction was:
"Hey, but they ARE my friends!"
Yes, they really are.

I've been following them closely for more than 3 years already. When I first "met" them I was at the third year of university, about to get my bachelor, I wasn't that good in Japanese and I didn't understand a thing about JE (or my own life anyway).
NEWS were six, they had their knight leader in the shiny armour Yamapi, the adorably bitchy Ryo, Koyama was still flashy and air-headed, Massu was...well, always the same, but without enough confidence to express himself, Tegoshi was less blond and showy but still Tegoshi, Shige was a weaker shadow of what he is now. A pretty scruffy group of assorted friends.
And they completely kidnapped my life.

In these 3 years NEWS have been present in every single second of my life, with songs, videos, pictures, objects, but most of all with thoughts. You realize somebody is part of your life when you cannot see a PRIMARY color without thinking to them, when everyday objects or animals remind you of them, when you hear a phrase or a song and you immediately link it to something they did or said.
Friends are the ones that cheer you up when you feel down, the ones that encourage you to be brave and to take a step forward even if it's the last thing you want to do in that moment. You share feelings, tears and laughter, words, thoughts, with friends. You have internal jokes with your friends. Somehow you can guess what they're thinking or feeling just observing their faces or by their voices.

How can I say that NEWS are simply an "idol group" when they do almost everything a friend would do and they constantly pop out in my life?
Ok, maybe it's a one-way friendship, a delusion, a day-dreaming, a childish obsession, but I know for sure that NEWS, in their own  way, even not knowing of my existence, they love me too. And it's enough.
I mean, not all friends meet each other or talk frequently, right? You just know that they're there and they'll be there. Just how I will be there for NEWS, in a half-hearted way or more passionately according to my mood, and I strongly believe that NEWS will be there for all their fans. Because everybody trust their friends.

♥ Happy anniversary my dear NEWS ♥
Let's have more happy years together, more songs, more chances to see your beautiful faces, more laughters, more emotions. Let's support each other, share and have fun together.
Let's be friends from now on and forever.
Even when we will all be old and we will barely remember of each other, let's be those kind of gentle, nice memories that sometimes strike you out of the blue and make you smile.

--I really didn't know what to write for this special day, I think I wrote teary and moving posts about me, NEWS and my love for them so many times already...So in the end I decided to keep it short and express what I feel about NEWS right now. I'm not sure I wrote everything I wanted and clearly, but I tried ^^

members: all, personal, birthday post, news

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