POPOLO 03. 2013 - Sexy
A man's sex appeal is...
A man's sex appeal is not what he does to look sexy. The way he stands, the way he dresses, his whole presence is what expresses sexiness. A man wearing a suit that fits well or a perfect jacket can be really cool. It's a matter of knowing how to show yourself built up with experience and efforts. Then, the voice is important too. A pretty voice at the phone can make some hearts beat faster. Sometimes also little, kind voices can be sexy though.
I don't think I own the sex appeal of a real man yet. Anyway growing older I think I changed a little my look and aura. I still can't tell if in a sexy way though (lol). I don't think I'm suited for a sexy image anyway, I can show it off when I want though (lol). On a scale of 100 I have 74 points of sexiness but I show out only 10 of them (lol). If I have the chance I'd like to show that I can be sexy too (lol). Like in some sexy song. I want to grow up and become a proper adult man. I have a lot of childish sides but those are important too. An adult man with a child's heart can be sexy too, right?
I know many men in their 40s and many of them are sexy. Being around them I feel I am...well, I'd like to be 100% sexy all the time but I'm still pretty far from that. A man's sex appeal is more in the inside than on the exterior. I think it comes out along with experiences and thoughts. I think the value of experience, both with good and bad moments, is related to sexiness. First of all I aim to become a careful gentleman. Then I plan to improve my sensitivity by broadening my interests. This is my program of sexiness.
I think of myself as "sexy" only when I'm in front of fans. When I see them with starry eyes looking at me I get an adrenalin rush and my sexiness is at the maximum. It happens all the time during a concert.
I guess all girls fall for boys with muscles? Well, I'm shaping up my body, especially before the lives I went always to the gym. When I looked at myself in the mirror doing pump-ups I felt very sexy (lol). It's kinda bad of me to say that...sorry. I feel like "Come here and touch this biceps~". That's why during the lives I want to be admired for my muscles and sexiness!
For example, I think it's absolutely sexier to sing a love song while picturing in your head a love situation, rather than just sing it normally. It doesn't matter if you're performing or filming. If I'm asked to smile I think to something funny, if I need to be sexy I think to some serious scenes. The same expression can have a different aura, working with the imagination is important. I try hard to show off my sexiness like that but you know, lately Shige is sexy without doing anything at all! (lol) Like when he's playing his guitar all quietly like he was doing before. It's a totally opposite sexiness than mine though. If my sex appeal is like the sun, Shige's is like the moon. There are different ways of being sexy too, I want to become a man who can look sexy in every way.
The men I find sexy are the ones who fight against something. Probably men who walks a safe path without ever being wrong are cool, but I like to face a lot of new things, I want to live overcoming many hurdles. People who work hard doing that look express the real "adult man's sex appeal" to me.
The latest time I showed my maximum sexiness was when I was asked for a handshake. I was walking in the street very naturally but when I was asked "Sorry, are you Tegoshi-kun?" I turned switching my face to sexy!
The most important things for a man are sexiness, pathos and good taste. Your aura is made by the experiences of life that created your wrinkles. That's why people who experienced a lot of pain in their youth look so cool when they grow up. I think that sexiness comes out naturally piling up years and experience. When I was younger sometimes I tried hard to look sexy, right now I think it's better to enjoy my youth at the utmost so that you can show your playful heart also when you're older.
Lately many people told me that I got sexier, I was surprised myself. Especially when I was doing "Hanawake no 4shimai", maybe it was thanks to my character though, and during the filming of Chankapaana PV. It's a little embarrassing but after all it makes me happy. I think my level of sexiness is still low but I'd like to keep raising it little by little.
I think that beard look sexy? Or maybe it's for old people (lol). Ah! I think men in shirts look sexy! A perfectly ironed and clean shirt. I loveshirts a lot, usually I think they're a little bothersome so I prefer to wear something more casual but they're the cooler thing to wear. I aim to be a man that suits shirts! (lol)
・ I agree with Massu that sexiness is in the whole presence of a person and not in what somebody does. But he gets a little off when he mentions clothes, because I think that everybody can look sexy in a good dress/suit but that doesn't mean the person has sex appeal per se. That's more a matter of good taste, as Shige said, I like men who know how to dress for the right occasion and what look better on their body. Voices can definitely be sexy too, that's a matter of fact XD I also agree with Koyama and Shige about the importance of experience and I want him to become a proper gentleman, because that's way sexier than muscles :D I'm a little amused by Shige's words because it's clear that he has a romanticized idea of the sexy, old man with scars of the past, but after all he's a reader and a passionate of movies, that's a charming stereotype. Tegoshi's complain is what hit the spot though. The real sexy man is the one who doesn't have to try hard to look sexy, he just does being naturally himself. Moreover from my point of view...everybody look pretty ridiculous when they try to look sexy, just like in these photos :D
Ps: Like the new header? >w<