potato 2010.03

Feb 11, 2010 14:29



Q. What score would you give to today's mood?

Basically, as always, 150 points! A score of 100 plus 50 points is a number that express my time. By the way I'm still a human being so I also have bad days. If I can be extreme, I also have days with a score of 0. Like when I catch a cold and have the fever. But I'd like to live everyday with a full score if I can. Because I don't want to be in a bad mood!

Q. How many hours do you sleep on the average?

3-4. I know this is a kinda surprising number, right? Recently I don't sleep at all (lol). I usually sleep 2-3 hours at night, when I wake up early I wake up at 5 a.m, even if it's later it's 8 a.m. I go to work for the drama, it became inevitable. There are also days in which I go to sleep early but at max I still sleep for only 5 hours. My ideal number would be 6 hours. Because they make me feel like I really slept!

Q. How many songs do you have in your portable music player?

6500. If I do the shuffle I can hear so many things. The genres are various. Rock, R&B, Pop, Dance music, J-POP, there are so many of them. I put also my songs of course. I just can't not put in it the songs I love! I listen to it the most when I'm moving. I've got 3 players but the one that I use in the car is the one with most songs.

Q. How many people in your family?

3 people plus Grandpa and Granma. I met them two the first of the year. They came to see my solo concert and they said that they were moved by it. Obaachan said "It made me cry!". But I wonder if it really happened. People who experienced the war, now that we're in a peaceful era, watching their nephew singing in a big arena can think that it was cool?

Q. How many sunglasses do you have?

I lost the new ones I bought...I want them back! (lol). So I have 5-6 of them now. The reality is that I use to lost sunglasses and hats a lot. Since they're not essential I end up to forget them...I lose things a lot. When it happens I'm sad. Sometimes I even went to buy again the thing I lost.

Q. At a meeting how many time would you wait at max?

(Doing my best) 30 minutes. I never wait. For me is really impossible to stay somewhere waiting. I end up aimeless wandering. To waste time I go in some shop. If I'm not called I wait for a max of 30 minutes. I'll go out with somebody else (lol). Once I had a meeting with 3 friends but 2 hours later I was still alone. That time I went to Karaoke alone to kill time.


Q. If there were Gyouza, how many could you eat?

20-30. Aren't Gyouza small? For this when I was little I always wanted to eat 100 of them. I always said even to the journalist "I can eat 100 gyouza!" (lol). But once I was eating at home and I ate a great number of them. When you eat 20-30 gyouza you're so full. I was also eating my meal with gyouza, I never believed I could eat that much.

Q. How many hours do you sleep on the average?

7. When I sleep I sleep very heavily but with 6 hours of sleep I feel good. Tonight too I slept around 6 hours. I noticed that for me 5 hours aren't enough. Because if I sleep 5 h. going to sleep at midnight I'd wake up at 5 a.m. It's too few! When I go to sleep late, like around 1 a.m, usually I wake up at 8 o'clock.

Q. An age that makes you meditate?

Since the beginning I liked the number 23, because last year has been a wonderful year. I turned 23 and I thought that I should spend a good year for sure and it went exactly like this. At the opposite the number 22 isn't very good...Before I looked to Koyama saying "I'm 22! Yey yey!" and somehow I didn't like it (lol). Since I like 24 too I hope my year will be good.

Q. What score would you give to today's mood?

My score is always 100. In reality I'm dehydrated because it's winter but today I'm ok! About it, today in my train there was too much conditioned air, I hate it. Because you come from the outside you are wearing warm clothes, right? I thought: "Put a right temperature for the inside!" (lol). ...eh? I'm talking about something else?

Q. At a meeting how many time would you wait at max?

10 m. If I don't receive any calls, I wouldn't wait even a minute more. If I came there early I think I would inform my partner. If I'm warned about the delay I would wait max for 10 minutes. Because then I'd move from the meeting place. If I'm informed I'd wait for all the time it takes, I'd go somewhere to waste time. I'm saying this but in reality I'm usually late of 5 minutes too (lol).

Q. A number that obsess you?

I'm thinking to 60%. If the humidity is on 60% I feel better for my pollen allergy and it's also difficult to catch colds. I heard that according to the quantity of water in the air, the pollen can't fly and the viruses can't spread. For this in my room there should be a humidifier. But in reality...I don't use it (lol).


Q. The longer time you've waited for somebody?

I waited in a cinema for 9 hours. In that time I could have gone to Hawaii (lol). I could have gone at home but I ended to just kill time going here and there, wondering when I would have been called. I also slept inside the car and then my neck hurted. I won't ever wait again for so many time (lol).

Q. An age that makes you feel anxious?

If I say 30 it's Shige's actual age. Ah, I'm wrong (lol). When I think to how I will be when I'll turn 30 I feel anxious, like if I will get married or not. I don't wanna turn into a man who thinks "Ahh when I was 20 I was so hot-headed!". I want to go on being passionate and excited over everything always!

Q. Your favourite numbers?

1, 7, 10. The reasons are easy. 7 is the lucky number, 1 means "the number one" but also the meaning "the only one" is good. For this, somehow if I have to choose numbers I can only think to 1 and 7. When I was little I liked 3 but there weren't particular reasons for it. 10 because it's the number of my soccer uniform!

Q. In a day how many mails?

10-20. Comparing it to the other people of my age for sure they are little. There are many people who in a day exchange around 100 emails. Like Keii-chan (lol). When my friends are late at answering or don't answer at all I get always mad. I look at the screen and wait for the answer immediately because then I forget about the telephone and later I find it full of messages. It's not healthy please give up (lol).

Q. What score would you give to today's mood?

Usually it's around 80 so today a little less than always. Because today I had a soccer match and an interview but it was put off for the rain. The postponed match is a -10 points and the shower after the match is another -10. Instead when I have concerts I'm at 100 points!

Q. How many sunglasses do you have?

I don't collect them but I have 10 pair of sunglasses. It's not because I want to gather lot of them but I always end up to buy them because I like them. I don't buy many clothes, I prefer buying sunglasses. But in the end the ones that I always wear are only one.


Q. What score would you give to today's mood?

I think that everyday has an average score of 80 points. Maybe today is 82 or 83 (lol). I slept well and I woke up greatly. My refreshed face give those 2-3 point more. I also had time to eat breakfast at home, I ate a toast. What a good start for a day!

Q. How many hats do you have?

Around 20 but in those the ones that I really wear often are only 3. According to the frequency I could also have only 5 (lol). Lately, I put in order them at home, doing it I found 10 hats that don't go well with me. Since I barely used them I think I'll give them to the Jr. of Shounen Club.

Q. How many years passed since your first year of work?

I don't feel like so many years passed but it's already 10 years that I'm in this world. Each year I notice how many time passed. Realizing that they are 10 years since I entered J.E was a strong awakening. 10 years have a particular meaning. I'm 25 yrs old, 10 of them working.

Q. How many books do you have in your bag?

Today I have them!! (lol) Usually I have 5 of them, if I don't bring them with me I feel unconfortable. Because I wouldn't have anything to kill time. The one I have are all hobbies' ones, 3 volumes about Korean, 1 about sign language, 1 of economy, and a blocknotes. Now that I think about it, my bag is kinda full.

Q. Your favourite numbers?

51. Since I'm born the 1st May. It's also the uniform number of my favourite player. Somehow I became sensible about 1 and 5. When I went to the gym I found the locker number 51 free, I thought "Ah today's my lucky day!". Then while I was in the car the number plate of the car in front of me had 51 in it and I thought without any reasons "Oh maybe this person has born the 1st May too" (lol).

Q. How many set-up jersey do you have?

I always buy them for the rehearsal of concerts. I bought it also before the theatre show begun. It's like a jinx on me. Like everytime I have to do something new I have to buy a set-up jersey (lol). They suit me. When I look at them I think "Oh this is the one of that time!".


Q. In a day how many mails?

3. When I have something to do they can be more because of the questions-answers course but the average is that. I quite never send them. There are also time that I forget reading the ones I receive. I don't like mails so much. They are necessary but I think they're annoying. Because the space is restricted and it's like I'm not good to convert the things I thought into characters (lol).

Q. How many books do you have at home?

In my library around 50 volumes. There I have lot of literature and psychology books. I tried to buy such as Nietzsche, Jung, Freud but I didn't read them at all (lol). I stopped to read Freud after 50 pages. Then I have aroud 30 magazines. I conserve the issues I liked.

Q. How many guitars do you have?

3. Recently I use them only when I want to write music. My first guitar was an acoustic one I receaved during the 2nd year of middle school. Then I bought an electric one at the 1st year of high school. But I had few occasions to play it so I didn't use it so much. Then when I turned 20 I bought a new electric guitar. But unexpectedly the one I use the most is the acoustic one.

Q. How many songs in your computer?

9000. I choose the ones to put in my mp3 player from them. I've got 9000 songs collected in 8 years of story so the genres are various. I still love the music I liked when I was at middle school. I love rock and bands' music but when I'm at home I prefer listening to quiet songs.

Q. How many people in your family?

My parents, me and a dog. When I was a kid I wanted so much a little brother. Because I wanted to share with someone the anger towards my parents when I rebelled (lol). Sometimes I also got angry to my mother "Why don't I have a brother!?" because I didn't understand the reason. Accidentally I knew a lot of people who had a big sister, I think that the boys who have a sister are more kind.

Q. How many cameras do you have?

Including also the instant cameras, I probably have 8 of them. But the ones I always use are 3. In particular I love the double lens reflex ones. Since they are secondhand goods, when I bought them it was like an encounter. They have different characters and different options. They are cameras on which I have to carefully think so the pictures I take with them are the ones I love the most.


Q. How many guitars do you have?

Around 15. The first one I bought was when I was 17. I went to buy it with a music dilectant. At first I didn't understand what I should chose, the man of the shop told me "Try to play it, please" but I didn't know how to play at all, it was so embarassing (lol). The one I liked is the blue one that I still use. I went there with Saito Kazuyoshi-san and I bought it because he told me "Isn't this ok?".

Q. How many songs do you have in your portable music player?

Right now I have less than usual. Maybe around 500. Ah, I can look at the memory right? Ah they are 702. There are 8 videos. Since I now there are many PV in it the capacity is less. Those 702 songs are of course the ones I like. There are all the songs of Kazuyoshi Saito, maybe? And also all the Beatles' ones!

Q. How many books do you have at home?

200. If I include novels and mangas. I've got like 150 manga (lol). And then 50 literature books. I like Isaka Koutaro-san. Expecially his novel "Sos no Saru". I like reading books at the beach, I brought some even when I went to Guam. Then I have a lot of books in my toilet (lol). I like to give the books that I don't read anymore to the people.

Q. What score would you give to today's mood?

Since today morning I woke up in a rush and I couldn't eat breakfast, I slept too little so the score is 70 points. If I could eat a properly meal it would have been 100. By the way before I ate Yakisoba, Karaage and 2 onigiri (lol). Yesterday I slept for only 5 hours. My ideal time is around 8 hours. But I don't like days when I sleep too much.

Q. What score would you give to today's mood?

If they don't contact me 10 minutes. If they tell me that they will come I'd wait but if they don't I'd go home (lol). If they call me "I'm coming in 10 minutes!" I'd wait but if it is "2 hours yet!" maybe I'd go home. Since I came at the right time I'd like my partner to do the same. Expecially I would never make a girl wait. I'd go to pick her before.

Q. An age that make you meditate?

At first I thought to 17 but I say 19! It's the last year of your teenager's days. What I was doing when I was 19? It was around NEWS reunit. I went up and down from Oosaka to Tokyo. I decided to try to live alone. My life between Oosaka and Tokyo was heavy but I think that I was 19 and I really didn't care about it (lol).

members: all, mags: potato, translation: magazine, news

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