Wink Up 05.2012 - NEWS colorful bouquet
★The kind words from my family that I will keep in my heart
Eh~ I don't usually remember these stuff~ Never ever. I think that each word has some love in it, words from my family are always kind. But honestly there are also things that I don't want to hear. I usually listen to everything but for example nobody ever told me things about work like "do this" or "do that".
★When was the last time you felt touched by kindness?
I feel like that always thanks to all the fans. They send me fan letters, write mails to the radio shows, everytime I receive kind words from them I'm happy. I'm extremely happy when I think that we are one of the reasons why they smile. It makes me glad I'm doing this job.
★When girls say that "the ideal type is a kind man" what kind of person do you image?
Somebody who always listens and answers to anything with a "ok, ok", who allows everything, who wraps up at 100%, right? I'm like that but I'm short-tempered too, it'll be like "ok, ok...ah?!". At first I would listen but then I have limits. If the partner gets fired up too it would be kinda troublesome (lol). The man I consider kind? A person who faces the other seriously and tries to understand his point of view...I guess. It's also important to be able to read the atmosphere. Thinking and accepting the other's position and conditions. I want to become a person like this.
[I don't think that girls want this kind of least, personally I don't want a guy who always says yes to everything I say =.= It'd be so annoying]
★Do a "kindness" ranking of NEWS members.
Can't I put everybody in the 1st position? We're all very kind. Ok, the first is Koyama. I never saw him angry. Ah no, let's make Shige the first! Unexpectedly sometimes Koyama snaps too. He gets angry when you pull his hair like "I'm serious, stop it!" (lol). That's why Shige is first. Shige's never angry for real. The second is Koyama. Sometimes he snaps but generally he's quiet. The third is Tegoshi and last there's me. Tegoshi's rarely mad too but between us he's the one who does it the most. Sometimes I snap too...if somebody will be angry because of my ranking it may change again though.
★Recent news
I love "Zuwaigani Linguine*". If you say pasta they're the first thing in my mind! Recently I ate a delicious meal in an Italian restaurant, there were two types of pasta. There were the linguine, but since I never ate them in that place I ordered the other type. I don't like when there's too many cereals in that, my friend ordered the linguine and when the dishes arrived I saw that they were just as I like them. When I saw them and smelled their scent I wanted them so much...When we were done I said in a little voice "I wish I ordered them too..." (lol).
[*Linguine with a species of crab]
★The kind words from my family that I will keep in my heart
My mom told me "Live as you like", I always think about it when I feel like giving up. If somebody tells me "Do whatever you want!" I think about it a lot, I want to be able to decide my moves. My sister usually scolds me. When I appeared in music tvshows she told me "You look weak towards the camera", like "If I was one of your fans I'd like to see you more, why do you get shy in front of it?". When she says something like that the next time I'm in a show I try to look to the camera more (lol).
[His mother sounds so nice! And also his sister >w< So cute to think to us fans and give him advices! :D]
★When was the last time you felt touched by kindness?
In "News Every" after I read the news I go back to my seat and the others give me advices. Fujii-san says "You should stress this point more", when I go well Jinnai-san gives me an high five. I feel surrounded by kindness. I usually consult with Fujii-san too, things like "which is the keyword of this phrase?". Thanks to his teaching I became able to find the right word naturally. When I do without asking him he always comments with a "Good!".
★When girls say that "the ideal type is a kind man" what kind of person do you image?
Isn't it the typical "gentleman"? For example, a guy who opens her door of the car during a date, one who worries about her and asks if there's something wrong...I want to be like that. I want to be a man who always thinks to his girl and wants to know everything about her day.
★Do a "kindness" ranking of NEWS members.
Inside of me everybody is the number one...I guess that the first should be Shige though. He never gets angry. He first listens to the others' opinions and then adds his own. The second is Massu. He always notices the little things, like after a dance he asks you if you need a towel or water. He's amazing at taking care of other people. The third is Tego. He's very free. He gets along with everybody. For example, during the filmings he matchs his tension with the others and thanks to that we can show our different colors. That's not easy to do! Then the 4th position...Actually I should be the 1st, but my kindness is so obvious to everybody already. I don't want to show it off too much. But since I'm doing it anyway I fell in the 4th place (lol).
★Recent news
I'm thinking about changing the furnishing of my room so I'm going to many shops. I love to browse shops. The problem is that the displays always look good in shops because the space is huge but in my room everything seems too big. For example, I'd like a king-size bed but it would take up all the space (lol). That's why I'm trying to buy things in a proper way.
★The kind words from my family that I will keep in my heart
I prefer to remember the severe ones though~ More than forgetting the kind words I try to not reserve them. I don't want to feel spoiled by kindness. Anyway my family is always kind to me. For example they always send me mails for my birthday. I can't properly read them because I'm embarrassed though. Then my dad has always been strict with me, he used to tell me "You're not good at acting at all", but when he said "You're getting better" I was really happy.
[Shige's dad is always so strict @_@ It's amazing how they get along even if he seems to always criticize him! XD]
★When was the last time you felt touched by kindness?
When the book was out I received pink bouquets, long mails of comments about it, I even received a wine glass with "Pink & Gray" printed on it as present...I was flooded by my friends' kindness. It was embarrassing but I was so happy. Anyway I'm more touched by the kindness I witness than by the one I receive. One scene that I loved was when my friend got drunk and his wife came to pick him up. She said things like "he's really useless" but she shouldered him and brought him home. It wasn't only kindness there, it was an act full of love. It was so nice~
★When girls say that "the ideal type is a kind man" what kind of person do you image?
That would be a convenient guy (lol). Like, one who comes to pick her up, who can create the right conditions for her to feel good, right? I think that kindness is when somebody thinks to you when you're not there. A girl who wishes for this would be nice.
[*shakes head* Damn, girls are not all like that T_T Luckily his last phrase was very sweet ♥]
★Do a "kindness" ranking of NEWS members.
The first one is Koyama, isn't he? He's never angry. He accepts everything. His patience is endless. (Koyama is reading the previous issue of Photoshigenic: "Hey, you inserted my picture at the karaoke there! That's lovely!"). See how kind he is? Even if I put a picture of him without asking the permission he's happy (lol). After Koyama there's Tegoshi. He's the kind of person who helps others. I think everybody is like that but he's quicker. He immediately understands the others' feelings and moves. The 3rd is Massu. Now it seems that he's not kind but it's not like that at all. He always thinks to the others. There's a slight difference between the first 3 positions. There's really not reasons to make them in different positions. Then, there's me at the very last 4th place. I'm not kind at all. I want to be kinder, I want to think to other people more.
[It's funny how everybody put Shige in a high position while he says that he's not kind at all :) I think he is but maybe not in the proper/social way ^^]
★Recent news
I'll be in "Blackboard". I will be a teacher, workmate of Matsushita-san. It's not easy to be a young teacher, I want to play so that I will surprise the people who do this job for real. It's amazing to play the role of a teacher after Kinpachi Sensei. I've always wanted to do it. But I also want to be a student again (lol).
★The kind words from my family that I will keep in my heart
I feel kindness when I catch a cold and my mom asks me if I'm ok. I realize how much she cares about me. I always remember kind words. Also the ones from my friends or co-workers. Once a friend told me "Tego is Tego, go with your pace and everything will go well". He said that in a normal way but it was in a moment in which I was very worried and I felt so thankful. I'm happy when I feel weak and people are kind to me. But I like severe, strict words too.
★When was the last time you felt touched by kindness?
Can I talk about friendship? Last year during the concert of Tegomass in Shizuoka my middle school friend told me he wanted to come see it. Since he lives in Tokyo I thought it wasn't necessary for him to come all way to Shizuoka for it, so I asked him why. He answered "It will be the first live you do after turning 24. I have to be there". That live was the day after my birthday. I was so happy. I also like to see people doing kind things to others. For example, holding open the door of the elevator for somebody. I feel happy seeing even a little kindness, it feels good.
[Awww that's so nice >w<]
★When girls say that "the ideal type is a kind man" what kind of person do you image?
A man who says "It's ok, don't worry" when she complains or is worried about something, right? But this is a different conception of kindness from mine. I think that kindness is when a person scolds you when you're doing the wrong thing. I think that girls prefer a man who says "It's not your fault, don't worry" though.
[Again ._.]
★Do a "kindness" ranking of NEWS members.
All of us should be first, right? No, I must be at the 2nd place. I'm sure that the others have the kindness that girls require. Instead I'm always direct with words. People who think like I do would consider me 1st but the others would think I'm too hard. Shige is a good observer, he understands other people's feelings and he would help them in case of need. Koyama is great because he's always kind to everybody. He makes no differences between people. The opposite of me (lol). Massu always thinks to the group, he gives a lot of importance to kindness. You can feel that in his behaviour, you feel love.
★Recent news
I went to do snowboard! It was the 3rd time this season, I always go this much. I can't go there anymore, it's too painful to my body. When I go to do snowboard I always stay out 2 nights, I eat breakfast, do snowboard, eat lunch, snowboard, dinner, night game. I can't do anything else. I'd like to go once more~ Everytime I come back home I want to go there again~ If I could I'd stay there all the time (lol).
♥ The perfect girl's room ♥
This was a special page with NEWS and KAT-TUN answering to questions. I honestly haven't understood if this will be a new serialization or if it was a special column for this month XD Anyway, I skipped Kat-tun answers...sorry LOL
1.You enter the room of the girl you like, which is your expression seeing your pics hunging there?
[No Koyama this time :\
And Shige what expression is that? Impressed? Annoyed? *hides all his photos in her room*]
2.How should the room of your ideal girl be?
T: A Cinderella-like room! All pink and white with pink lace. A very girly room would be nice.
M: Clean and with few things! A fashionable room is nice. A room full of dolls would be fashionable and good too.
K: A room that smells good. Simple, a white or pink girly room. I'm ok with plushies on the bed too. Just 2 or 3 though (lol).
S: A room simple and with few objects. When you live in a normal way it's easy to gather many objects but I prefer people with few things.
[My room doesn't match any of these descriptions XD I lived here for more than 10 years, there's no way I can have few objects's all messy @_@]
3.What would you like her to wear at home?
T: Lumpy, fluffy clothes are nice.
M: Something cute!
K: Something joggling! Something with the upper part connected to the lower would be nice.
S: A t-shirt and track pants would be perfect but maybe it would be better if she wears something nice like a shirt. I'd be like "She sleeps in that, it's awesome! So fashionable!" (lol)
[Oh well here we go closer :D I always wear a tracksuit or tshirts and shorts in summer]
4.What's the ideal smell for a girl's room?
T: A sweet smell!
M: Eh~ No smell!
K: Something like vanilla!
S: It's fine if there's no smell at all, maybe a candle scent. Not the ones too strong, something that would make you feel like you're peeping into her everyday life.
[Shige's answers sound creepy xD]
5. The item in her room that would make you fall for her?
T: An aroma candle for example.
M: Some item that I have too.
K: I don't know~ Ah, but if there's a NEWS cd I will be happy!
S: A painting or photos, something that shows that she wants to make her room prettier, it will make my heart jump. Ah, then my book! (lol)
[Koyama's answer ♥]
I loved when they talked about each other's kindness >w