SoraShige Book #34
He talked about his guesting at Utamaru's radioshow. Apparently he's a big fan of that show and he was really nervous, anyway he enjoyed talking about movies with him. He's actually sorry because he realized that he talked about movies for more than half an hour and listeners must got bored.
He read several messages about Pink & Gray. He thanked because he said he received a mountain of impressions and comments about the novel.
He added that since the release he's going around the libraries to sign copies, posters...he didn't think that being a writer meant to do these things too. But because of this lately he couldn't go buy any book for himself because he was embarrassed of entering a bookstore.
A girl who partecipated to the talk event wrote that Shige's hand-shaking was very tight and strong. He said that maybe it was because of his callus (on the opening he mentioned again that his hands are very worn-out).
He said it was his first talk event and he had fun, a wonderful day. He thought at first that nobody would have asked him questions, instead some people raised their hands to talk.
He talked a bit about the last scene of the book trying to not spoil it too much. Basically he said that he knows that it has its pros and cons but it was the most satisfying ending.
Songs played: Forever, Best Friend & "Once Again" by Rhymester
Thanks to A1682 Sorry for the half-assed summary this time but I'm kind of losing my motivation orz