Very old translation ^^

Jan 24, 2010 14:31


1. The color you love - The color you hate

Koyama: The color I love is RED. It's an energic color. Don't know why but when I have to challenge something I wear red clothes. The color I hate? There isn't. But maybe I prefer clear colors more than the ones that are between two colors. I don't like them much because they're hard to choose.

Massu: The color I like is ORANGE. It's a kind color. The color I dislike...the ones too clear maybe. But I wouldn't say that I hate them.

Tegoshi: My favourite colors are PINK and RAINBOW. Pink because it's cute and has an healing feeling. Rainbow because it has 7 colors, somehow is good (lol). The colors I don't like is MOUSE COLOR. The image gives a stagnated feeling. I prefer clear, pretty colors.

[So princess-like XDXDXD]

Shige: The ones I like are BLACK, RED. I like black, red clothes. I always wear them. I guess this came from the rock-style. I'm thinking to the shirt of Kurt Cobain from Nirvana (lol). There isn't a color that I particularly don't like but I'd say PINK. It depends on the color but I think that kawaii pink doesn't suit my character too much.

Ryo: The one I like is GREEN. Why? There are no reasons (lol). I don't hate any color. Maybe there are some colors that I avoid when I have to choose clothes but usually I don't just say "I'll never wear that color!".

Yamapi: I like WHITE, BLACK, GOLD. For clothes I'd say white because it's fresh. I also wear black sometimes. Gold for the accessories. I like how it shines. I don't hate any color. But I don't like so much fluorescent colors. They hurt my eyes (lol).

2. The color that suits you - The color that doesn't suit you

Koyama: I think that the one that suits me is RED, I like it for this. Because I don't have plain clothes, I can try it only during concerts. I want to have also plain clothes. The color that doesn't suit me...I don't know. Maybe DARK RED. I tried it once but I didn't like it so much. It's hard to wear so I have a prejudice to it I guess.

Massu: The color that suits me is, for clothes is BLACK. Then Orange. I don't have colors that don't suit me. It depends to the clothes too but I think that I could wear any color. I have every kind of colors in my closet. I also wear pink. When I go shopping I don't look to much to the color, I look more to the design.

Tegoshi: The color that suits me is BLACK, for my plain clothes. It's the color I wear the most. Sharp and tight, it's easy to match. I absolutely don't wear it with green and blue, though. Maa, maybe it's only that I don't feel like trying them together. The color that doesn't suit me is GREEN maybe. It's not so much me-like.

Shige: I want BLACK and RED to suit me. Because if they don't suit me I couldn't wear them (lol). On the opposite the colors that I really can't wear are PASTEL COLOURS. Like the image of Kenta-senpai on "Papa to musume" (lol). I never wear them. Then I never use gold accessories.

Ryo: About clothes, I choose from my inspiration, I don't think if it suits me or not. Thinking another time, I have lot of green clothes. This is why I chose it as my favourite color, I guess (lol). Btw, choosing clothes is boring. If there is a color that doesn't suit me I just don't wear it.

Yamapi: The one that suits me is YELLOW. Black and white can suit everyone but not all the other color are good for everybody. I think that a fresh yellow suits me. Color that don't suit me...I try to not have them!

3. If you could express yourself of today with a color, what would it be?

Koyama: EMERALD GREEN. In reality I was in Okinawa until yesterday with Shige and I still feel like I'm there. For this inside my head there's only the color of the sea (lol). Okinawa's sea was so pretty!

Massu: LIGHT GREEN. Isn't it a nice color? But maybe is also because today I ate Cha Soba (Soba with green tea) (lol).

Tegoshi: BROWN. Like the color of the walls of the studio where I filmed ItteQ before (lol). I just came back from Peru and I've seen only the desert so it's brown.

Shige: DARK BLUE. Like the crayon color. I was in Okinawa until yesterday, I feel like the color of the sky. Today the wheater is good to so I feel refreshed. But today too I'm wearing black and red for my plain clothes!

Ryo: GREY. It's not because I'm depressed. It's for the color of the sky today. Those days were so hot that when I saw the clouds today I was rather happy.

Yamapi: ORANGE. Because the sun is so hot...Today is like this (lol). I came by car but it was unexpectedly sudden. Well it's hot but I don't mind it.

4. Your Lucky (theme) color?

Koyama:RED. Because one of my friend told me "Koyama-kun's lucky color is red" and it's a color that I love. Since it gives me energy I connected it with the idea of luck. Wearing red my motivation grows up!

Massu:I think that ORANGE is a color that matches my image. Isn't it good? Orange has a warm feeling, it seems to bring good things. But I don't wear it that much.

Tegoshi: Of course BLACK. I'm attacked by dark! (lol) I also like blue but this is because at school time I always wore blue uniform. Blue is a nice color.

Shige:Maybe RED? In hard times I'd choose black and red for sure. They can be matched easily. Even at b-day party I went with red shirt and black necktail. It was fashionable and casual. I think they're perfect for a lot of events!

Ryo: ...There isn't. I never thought about it. Maybe I can say WHITE for today. I'm wearing a white t-shirt and I'm kinda happy and quiet.

Yamapi: Of course GOLD! When I wear golden accessories I feel like I'm stared (lol). I always liked it but after Kurosagi I liked it even more.

5. The theme color of your room.

Koyama:YELLOW. The sofa, the carpet, the cushions are yellow. I chose them with my parents. Because it's my family's house I couldn't choose only the things I wanted (lol). The only color that was common to my tastes and my parent's was yellow. When I'll go to live alone I'll choose my favourite colors. I want a black and white room.

Massu:There isn't one! But the one that can be noticed the most is LIGHT BLUE. It was my favourite color when I was a kid (lol) so my room is full of it. It doesn't relate very well, I think to change it one day. I'd make a room centered on white and red.

Tegoshi:WHITE. The walls, everything is white. Very simple!

Shige: WHITE. I didn't choose the color of my room. When I'll live alone I'd create a chic room, I'd like a red table.

Ryo: NATURAL pattern. All my house is in wood. I'm not very picky about colors but on this yes. I like the warm feeling of the wood!

Yamapi: I didn't choose it. There is black and brown the most. The curtain are brown. I don't like it very much because the room is always a little too dark.

6. Express with a color your favourite kind of girl.

Koyama: Maybe RED. Because in the end I'm searching for a girl similar to me. Bright, passionate. A girl that would suit red clothes!

Massu:What can it be...LIGHT BLUE!? It gives a pure and caring feeling. A clear image too.

Tegoshi: Naruhodo ne! (lol) PINKxWHITE. A fair girl is great. A little tanned is cute too. I like more a kawaii girl than a cool one! Then, pink because I like soft girls more than frank girls. But not shocking pink! Pale pink please (lol). A girl who can wear well pink clothes is good. On a fair skinned girl is perfect!

Shige: BLACK. I like cool girls. As image I like a sexy aura, a mature cool girl. But sometimes with a pink side. A girl like that can make me fall!

Ryo: PINK. Somehow is a girlish color. It looks kind, right? I love kawaii and colorful girls (lol).

Yamapi: ORANGE! Somehow it feels bright. If I said black, it would be a dark, cool girl, right? (lol). Orange has a super bright image. Then, aslo pink is good.

7. What is the color of your futon's sheets?

Koyama: YELLOW. Dark brown. Living with my parents that room doesn't feel as mine at all. But somehow I like the yellow sheets. When I'll live alone I want them black, white or yellow. I'd want a chic room.

Massu: DARK GREY. When my mother went to buy them I asked her for dark ones. It's not that I particularly like them or that you sleep well with them, but with grey you can distinguish well the sheet's wrinkles! (lol)

Tegoshi: Trivia! I already said it (lol), I'd like purple ones but mine are BLUE. My mom's choice. I couldn't refuse them, in my house there are so many blue things.

Shige: WHITE and BLUE. I just have to sleep on them so everything is fine (lol). I don't use to stay in my room so much, I'm often in the living room.

Ryo: The sheets are BEIGE, the quilt is navy. There isn't a reason for it but I like them.

Yamapi: BROWN. Because the futon is brown. Btw the color of the sheets isn't related with the sleep, because the light is off (lol).

8. Express NEWS with a color.

Koyama: When we're all together the most apt color is WHITE. Soft and clean. If we can stay "white" I think that we'll be happy. Because every color matches well with white. Then our image was white since the debut, but if the people who watch us could choose it would be better.

Massu:WHITE! White! With white each member can add his own color. Of course white is the starting point. When we're all together is white but when we show our various colors is the best. I'd be the light blue or the orange.

Tegoshi: What can it be...maybe WHITE. Because white can turn in every color. Bacause we can be the white, pure NEWS but we can also be the bad ones. Black can't become white but white can become black.

Shige: WHITE. Because our clothes for the debut were all white. From then little by little many other colors came out. Every member has his own color, we're very colorful. Like a rainbow.

Ryo: Uhm, maybe WHITE. Don't ask me for the reason, because I said it without thinking and I don't wanna think deeply about this (lol). If I really have to say why, it's because white can be painted with every colors. My character is...grey maybe. I have a white pure side but also a bad black one (lol). You mix them and here I am!

Yamapi: Maybe WHITE? We wear white clothes a lot, we look very fresh. But in reality we're not so much fresh. If you watch the DVD you can see it clearly (lol). But I think that white can change easily. Many colors will come out.

I'm pretty sure that the post will be super messy and the English too but I did it very quickly to kill time XD
Enjoy! <3

members: all, translation: magazine, mags: popolo, news

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