Myojo transl.

Jan 22, 2010 16:02

Brand new translation :) I miss Pi's part because I have to download again his scan, I'll do it tonight :)



"My beginners luck at the sea"

Some memorable days are for sure my classes (lol). The biggest thing that I did in my private life last year was Fishing for the first time. At the Atami's bank I aimed for squids... that was a special kind of fishing. Because at the bank it's usually impossible to fish squids. But I went with 4 people of the staff  and I was the only one to catch them! Except me the others were all experienced in fishing, they brought their own tools, they were pros. I was a beginner and as one I had what is called "Beginners luck"! I felt so superior winning some pros!! That was an unforgettable event. Later I went with Ohno-kun to a 25 hours fishing. Before that I quite never had the occasion to talk with the senpai, spending with him 25 h was for sure a memorable thing, but a little too much time maybe (lol).
But if that day I didn't catch any squids probably I'd never have gone to fish again and it wouldn't have been my hobby...
With this way of thinking, that Beginners Luck was really memorable!

"The memories to my play on stage"

Talking about job, the play SEMINAR was really a good experience. That time, the special drama "Chichi yo, anata wo erakatta" that I filmed before the play, and the drama "0 goushitsu no kyaku" that I filmed after it, needed the "Kanbake" at the same time (Kanbake = the editing of the recorded images for the transmission). After this, I had to be on stage and the play changed! How to say it...I could performe freely (lol). Before that I never did such things as Ad-lib, I felt like "I have to do it well!", my horizons were so narrow.
But, standing everyday on the stage, the play changed naturally day by day. I noticed that sometimes good things came out from this chaos and this made me love the theatre more, from that time I went to see a lot of plays.
"A person who wants to seriously face the theatre, when he sees an acted play, he must not do only criticism".
Those are the words of an actress but when I was the main role on the stage I could really understand the meaning of them too.
I want to cherish the memories of the theatre's plays as audience and as an actor too.


"The day when I learnt what is working hard"

Last year we did 24hTV and for the first time I understood the meaning of "working hard". Of course I always worked hard since now but that day the meaning it had inside of me was broken. During the show I learnt the sign language to act the shadows' show with deaf children. Because I wanted to communicate with them seriously I studied with all my energy, I faced it with all myself.  The result of this hard work was that I could communicate with lot of people, the reaction from the deaf people was also great, I'd want to thank them thousand of times...
That time, when I saw with my eyes the results of my work, was the best time ever. I really feel thankful, because those children gave me the chance to work that hard and still now I'm going on to study the sign language.
Somehow studying has become lighter, recently I began to study Korean too. I always wanted to do something connected to my beloved Korea and when I went there for work, I saw that everybody, the staff and the the fans, were trying so hard to talk in Japanese so I thought that I want to talk Korean too. I love to study inside a cafè. Near to my house there is a cafè always opened, I really love myself studying there all the night like a university student <3 I studied a lot during high school to enter at the university. When I knew I could enter I was surprised (lol). Talking about this, right now the storage capacity of my brain has reached his limits so I feel like I have to reset it to learn sign and korean language.

"The new Koyama Keiichiro"

I feel that now that I'm 25 yrs old I'm facing a turning point. In reality, I became 25 yrs old last year and I thought to so many things. Well, some time ago I went to eat together with my doctor and we talked about our worries. He told me that my worries were a checkpoint. For sure I think that my worries when I was only a student were soo little by comparison with the actual ones. Right now I feel that I want to show you a brand new Koyama Keiichiro!


"20 chocolates"

I've got lot of days to remember but the one that I cherish the most is my mother's birthday. She gave birth to me so she's the most important person, no matter how busy I can be I can't absolutely forget her b-day. Since I was in Junior school I always celebrated it somehow. My mother really loves sweet things. She's the type that could easily skip meals but she can't live without sweets (lol). She expecially loves chocolate! To make her happy when I was little I always gave her as present  chocolate. I collected all my savings and I bought at the Konbini 20 sheets (pieces?) of 100 yen chocolate. When she saw that big quantity of chocolate she was very surprised and said "Arigatou" all happy.

"Burst into laughter to the air piano"

Daisuke-san from "ItteQ" is super funny! The things he says, the things he does, everything makes me laugh, I barely can't stop. Recently, we went to a Pan-party in his house, he was always doing air piano to match the background music, I bursted into laughter! With his eyes closed and shaking his body he said "Aaah-- goood. This song is sooo gooood" and repeated the same song for 5 times! Looking at this, too funny too funny! (lol). Then suddenly he said "Let's play soccer in this room!". It was so sudden (lol). That day I laughed so much. Only thinking to it, it makes me laugh again.

"When I'm my real self"

When I'm with my best friends I can show my real smile naturally. Those ones are my soccer friends. Now I go out only with them. They don't work in the entertainment world so when I'm with them I can forget that I'm one of NEWS. Our relationship has no reserves at all! Sometimes we do some crazy things (lol). About this, when friends do gossip is pretty vain, right? If you think something you should say it immediately. This is one of our implicit rules.


"The audition that changed my life"

Talking about an important turning point, it's of course the day when I passed the Johnny's audition. My sister and her friend prepared all silently, I didn't know about it at all. I knew about the audition only the day before. Suddenly I've been told "Tomorrow there will be the Johnny's audition, will you go?". But that time I was an ordinary boy who only cared about sports. I didn't know anything about Johnny's so I didn't even understand the meaning of my sister's words. By the way during the audition I danced and it was so funny! If I did my best dancing the next day the thing would have been aired in TV, I was shocked!! I'm the one I am today thanks to that day...

"The words that created the Tegomassu's bond"

In reality Tegomassu was formed somehow even before the creation of NEWS. During Jr time, I sang for the boss for the first time.  That time he praised me: "You! You're voice is interesting! There's something good in it!". Because it was the first time I was valued like this I remember that I was very happy. In that same period there was a Jr. who was chosen for singing, he just entered in the Johnny's, it was Tegoshi. Suddenly the boss told us "Try to sing together" and we began to sing together in the Senpai's lives and in the shows. After the creation of NEWS, in a fast album we registered a song together. The words of the boss gave birth to this bond that little by little brought us to this, we became Tegomasu.

"The switch time"

In concerts and plays, the moment after I wore my clothes before going on stage is the moment of the switch. I say "Yoshaa let's go!". If you just stay in the dressing room waiting for the engine to begin to work you can mismatch, right? For this I want to change my clothes just before entering on stage. I don't wanna stay for long time in the dressing room. Because I'm also scared to be late entering the stage, I weat the pants 40 minutes before and I prepare everything. Then 5 minutes before entering, I wear the last things and I go!


"The meeting with a CG baby!?"

2-3 yrs ago, when I went back to Oosaka, I met my sister's baby who was just born. He's my first nephew. I already saw a picture of him but it was the first time I saw his face for real. Looking at him well I had a strange feeling and without thinking I said "Like a CG (Computer Graphic, I guess)!". I made my mom get angry (lol).
My little sister that I know since she was born already has a baby, it's so weird. Like it can't be real. But, the baby in front of my eyes was real. His expressions while crying "Ongyaa" for example, were extremely lively. Maybe that kind of reality made me think to the CG that has so many reality's gaps.
Looking at my sister taking care of the baby made me think "My mother was like this too when I was a baby--". Now my little sister has 2 babies and my brother too has one, sometimes I go to make them play with them. But it seems more that it's them that make me play (lol).

"Meeting with showbiz' people"

I'm still not used to the first meeting with my co-stars for a drama. Looking around me I see only show business people. I use to think normally "Ohh cool!". In those cases I say things like "I'm going to work hard for those 3 months!" but for me it takes 3 months to try to not feel tense beetwen all those famous people! (bitter laugh)

"5 second's debut"

The first time I stood on a stage was at Kinki Kids' concert. It was for like 30 seconds. We were told to come out at "Eight/Eight" but I didn't understand that at all. 1 Eight is 2 bars, 8 Eight are 16 bars but I didn't knew that so when I understood that it was the right time everybody was already on stage! I went in panic, I can't enter no more! But I wanted to do it so much.
In the end, my debut lasted for 5 seconds. But remembering it such a little time seemed to me very longer...but of course it was short. More shorter than the rehearsal. At that time thinking that I will be on my own concert, I would never believed it!

members: all, mags: myojo, translation: magazine, news

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