Flying at the speed of light
Thoughts were spinning in my head
So many things were left unsaid
It's hard to let you go
Lieutenant J. Worth
FULL NAME: Jane Worth
NICKNAMES: Jay, J, Worth, Flyboy
DATE OF BIRTH: August 25th
RESIDENCE: Washington
At 6'2", Jane is a fairly tall guy (you need to add another inch most of the time thanks to his hair) and rather well build for it too. He's got broad shoulders and a fairly well maintain physique, something which comes from the military life more than vanity. Dark hair and eyes run in the family, something that Jane mirrors with his brothers, with a somewhat tanned complexion as well.
Military trained, Jane has a smart posture and well kept appearance, although his hair is just past the usual military cut, Jane takes this as a tiny rebellion due to his current inactive state. Always adhering to dress code, Jane sticks to his uniform; black combat pants, black t-shirt and a black shirt with military issue boots -occasionally untied at the top for ease of removal. When dressing down, Jane is a jeans and shirt sort of guy and has a mild affinity for check and flannel, which he blames on his mother.
Due to the nature of his work and his mutation, Jane carries a few rather questionable scars. The worst of which is probably the scars spread over his right shoulder and across to his neck. To the unknowing eye, it looks like Jane suffered some kind of mauling or animal attack that shredded the back of his shoulder, really, it was the start of his powers and a rather brutal exposure of bones through his skin. Additionally, Jane has burns on his left arm from a crashed Black Hawk, and a thin slice scar along his rib cage on his right side from a rogue piece of shrapnel. Jane has two bullet wounds from combat situations.
Jane is a rather playful individual. Although a little bit mischievous and dorky, he has a far more serious side hidden underneath -mostly seen when he is on assignment or following orders. He's a little bit vain -something he tries to hide but blames on his little sister, and has rather thick skin [he was a boy named Jane in the military academy, how much thicker can you get?] and usually brushes things off with easy nonchalance and laid-back attitude.
He's not a typical flyboy, but he has his moments. Although he does take the 'don't ask, don't tell' to higher levels due to his mutation. He's playful and fun, enjoys a good laugh or prank and has been known to spin a good tale; mostly useful when covering for someone. He's loyal almost to a fault and doesn't believe in leaving anyone behind. Expert marksman and very skilled pilot. He still believes there is nothing better than being in the air.
Jane Worth is the third of four children. His father was an Army man, killed in action when Jane was just four. As a result, Jane's mother moved them from the Army base and into a small but comfortable house near his grandparents house. Growing up, Jane spent a lot of time around his grandfather, a former pilot for the British RAF, hearing stories about the bombers and flying during the wars. He grew steadily more infatuated with the concept of flying a jet or plane or even just being in a plane.
When Jane's mother remarried and fell pregnant, Jane was the only member of the family still around to help out with the new baby. Jane became more than an older brother for his half-sister, while his mother worked her night job and his step father lazed around. When Jane was fourteen, little sister Louisa just five at the time, their mother divorced her second husband, and moved them again.
At sixteen, fresh out of high school, Jane joined the Air Force, much to his mothers disgust -losing her husband in the Forces left an ill feeling towards them all. But Jane's grandfather fully supported his decision, and this was enough for Jane to work his ass off through the Air Force. Jane was barely in the Force for a year when his powers triggered and ripped through his right shoulder, almost mauling his back. The on base medics tended as well they could, however, without Jane forcefully ejecting the developed bones from his shoulder, there was little they could do.
It took Jane a little over nine weeks to figure out a method of control for his powers. Gaining a firm control over his emotions and mood was first to come, losing his temper and then impaling the wall was a strict no-no. Since there were more mutants than just him in the air force, Jane took a little guidance from them while enhancing his control on his powers. By the time he was deployed on his first tour of duty, Jane had gotten very good with his powers.
At twenty three, Jane was married to a nurse on the base, Rachel Kent. The pair had dated for nine months previous and had been engaged for three months when they married. They made it a further two years, Rachel managing to steal moments with Jane between their different deployments, the pair drifting slowly but surely. They filed for divorce two years and nine weeks after they were married; Rachel having admitted to cheating and Jane feeling rather devoid of any anger or betrayal. Following the divorce, Jane just threw himself back into work, signing up for another five years of service without blinking.
More often than not, Jane was strictly air support, flying in and out of hot spots with the order to retrieve operatives, or to engage in combat from the air. However, during his last tour into Afghanistan, Jane was deployed on a mission that was a sure fire suicide run, but there was nothing else left to do.
Jane flew his Raptor straight into the enemy hot spot, dropping three missiles on the target and suffering major damage to his plane in the process. During the crash landing, several miles away from the enemy target, Jane took a jolt at an awkward angle, pushing his powers out in the shock and spearing his shoulder and back to the seat of his Raptor, stopping in from punching out. The fact that he couldn't punch out for an eject saved his life; rather than getting caught in a series of explosions around his air craft, Jane was mostly protected in the rubble. By night fall, Jane regained consciousness and was able to evacuate the craft and climb to safety with only a burn to his left arm and a few minor bumps and cuts.
The biggest trial was the trek through the dangers of the middle East, into a safe zone in Iran, and radioing his command to alert them that, well, he'd survived.
Impressed with his ability to keep his cool during a hairy situation, and his piloting skills, Jane was approached about a possible loan out to the Mutant Rights Enforcers. Due to the nature of his last mission, Jane was required to stand down from active duty for at least six months pending evaluation. With little else to do, Jane accepted a place with the MRE in Washington.
+ overly playful at times
+ strong big-brother instinct
+ follows military protocol to the letter
+ writes home once a month (may forget to send email)
+ respects chain of command (unless CO endangers lives of team mates/extreme disagreement with orders)
+ addicted to marshmallows/cherry vine liquorice
+ maintains Air Force regulation cleanliness at all times
+ runs five miles every morning bar Sunday
+ tetris champion
+ not great at commitment
+ shaves twice a day and still has five o'clock shadow
+ married and divorced in the space of two years
PLAYER: Kaylee
AGE: 22
EMAIL: ltworthaf @ aim
AIM: ltworthaf
RP TutsPB: Joe Flanigan