Feb 03, 2009 11:49
Over the past year or so, I have received many invitations from well meaning people on Facebook inviting me to "support" some cause cause or another. While I believe that it's great to get the word out about something through Facebook in order to connect people who are interested it leaves me wondering how many people accept the invites and then promptly do nothing more? It makes me wonder how many concerned, well meaning dolts think that just by clicking the "join" button on the invitation they've actually done something to "support" the cause? How many of them think they've done their part by simply joining and then forwarding the invite to everyone on their friends list that it is helping somehow? Maybe raising a small amount of awareness, but if cause after cause gets addded and then passed around you have a large network of nitwits passing the invites along while accomplishing nothing but adding more crap to clog the tubes.
Yes, I understand there are those out there that do put their money where their mouth is and step up to do something besides getting the cause listed on Facebook and raising awareness by spreading the word...but I wonder, how much word ultimately ends up in action? I guess what I'm trying to say is, if all you're going to do is passively recruit more people into a "cause" and nothing more, you're simply a cog in a machine who is doing nothing. If you really believe in something, make some time, step up and just do something besides sending the cause invite to everyone on your list. If you've got time to sit there and forward on the invitations, you also have time to get up off your ass and go do something aside from passing along the invite. Connect with the locals in your area, converse with them and help organize. It does start with an invitation, but it makes a real impact with action. Put your money where your mouth is and do at least one additional thing beyond forwarding the invitations along. Perhaps then I'll stop ignoring them.
"You installed speedbumps on the handicapped ramps, you passed out cigarettes for a smoke-a-thon on Earth Day and most recently you threw 100 pounds of meat on a peaceful vegan protest."
"Oh come on, that was way more than 100 pounds!"