Sep 04, 2007 15:57
First, if I actually get off my butt and finish the chapter like I plan to, the next chapter of Falling Backwards could be up tonight. It has been months since I really have written anything and it has just been like pulling teeth. Here's hoping my muse has returned to me :)
And anyone who has seen the Buffy Bloopers/Outtakes, this is totally random but whenever Emma Caulfield messes up a line or something does she yell "Horror!" or "Whore!"? Because, honestly, the first would make more sense but the second is just so much funnier.
With the exception of certain fics where the whole premise is based on the aftermath of a certain character dying, do you feel it is necessary for the author to specifically warn you when a character will die in a story?
I'm asking only because, at least when it comes to epic/novel-length fics, I think warning people that a character might die takes away from the story. I know a lot of people don't like to be taken off guard by a character's unexpected death, but then again isn't the point of a story to have twists and turns and maybe do some unexpected things. Especially in cases of stories that are angsty/darker. It wouldn't be realistic to expect that everyone would necessarily make it out unscathed and to basically have to put a disclaimer on a chapter saying "Be prepared, character death" seems to spoil any element of surprise.
But some people can be really touchy about that. I mean, I understand to a degree. But there's a point when you have to acknowledge that a writer is supposed to challenge and surprise their readers by pushing the envelope sometimes. I don't think that just offing characters willy nilly is challenging or surprising, but when the story truly merits it, why should people want to be spoiled instead of just reading the story and seeing what happens.
I guess I just got to thinking about this because I have a few WIPs in which there could be character death and I'm conflicted as to whether blatantly state, "Hey, people are going to bite it" or just leave things by stating "You know, this isn't a happy story. It is angsty and dark so consider yourself prepared."
I never want to anger or offend anyone who expects (or in some cases seemingly demands) certain warnings for stories, but I just think that sometimes warning readers about something like that takes away from the story in the long run.