Oct 18, 2004 22:17
Wow! What a weekend. In short...
I saw Wes, President Bush,Laura, Lee and Mal.
Got drunk phonecalls from Joe, Jordan, and Jon ( I sound like Quinn from Daria, with all the J names)!
Studied my ASS off for 5 hours.
Made 2 trips to Daytona...yes I said 2! And all in the same day!
Dog sat my 2 little angel dogs.
Stopped by my Dads house before driving back to Otown. Him and Kathi were gone!
I think that was my weekend.
Today I had 2 exams. Philosophy could go either way. I think I probably got a C maybe a B if I'm lucky. Math was so easy. I think I definitley got a B. I would be thrilled to get an A though. I found out 2 of my sisters Stacy and Christina are in my math class too! How exciting. *Yes Sean, it is the same Stacy that will have a matching shirt saying "I went to Prom with Sean Webb"*
I wrote my speech today on Generation Rx...aka are the children of the future being misdiagnosed and overmedicated due to invalid research done by doctors and pharmaseudical companies?
I'm exhausted...so I think I'll get an early night tonight...midnight is early, right?