Jul 30, 2004 21:39
i just wrote this long ass live journal entry about my life and i pressed a button and the entire thing got destroyed. fuck man. i hope thats not a sign. im nervous now....more nervous.
so...about me:
i had a gut feeling today that i would find a job posting in LA. Knowing that a posting would basicaly be my last chance at an education i looked. low and behold BEVERLY CENTER 24 HOURS A WEEK. so of course i posted and as nervous as i was about the postition i called the manager almost as soon as i got home to double check it was still open. she was really sweet and said shes from the bronx...EAST COAST REPRESENT! so i really hope i get it. its my last chance of going to otis and getting an education so i hope everything works out. right now im in this ridiculous emotional rollercoaster, so im trying not to get my hopes up but i think i may have already done that. ugh......anyways im off to do whatever....
smooches plastic army men :)