Jun 07, 2011 05:16
I'm trying to make a baby dress. I hope this works out... It's gonna be a present for little baby Emily if it comes out right. They'll be here on Wednesday or Thursday. So far I have the bodice knitted. Now I need to get everything washed and pre-shrunk. I'm going to knit a little pair of booties and a headband too. It's bright pink cotton yarn and I've picked a brown fabric with a pink flower pattern on it for the skirt part. I think I'm going to finally try the sartje's booties pattern. I've wanted to try that pattern for a while now. If I get really ambitious, I might even try to knit a little doll...
I'm trying to use up my massive craft supply stash. I've been making stuff like crazy. I've knit 3 purses, and I'm in the process of making 20 sock monkeys. I'm a little less than halfway through. I've got 6 completely finished and I have the other 14 mostly done, I just need to hand sew the rest of them. I've also made 24 fabric flower hair-clips that are pretty cute. I'm hoping that if I can make some more stuff I can finally get an online store on the go.
Only 2 weeks left for my ceramics course. I've got to say, its a pretty good time. I'm almost done my projects. I might do a little extra wheel work this week though, I dunno. I was thinking about making some yarn bowls.Me and Cynthia are going to dig some extra clay tomorrow too. If I can get away with using that in Sculpture this fall, all the better.
God its been so warm at night over the past few days. I never find it warm, but the past few nights I've been kicking off my blankets and keeping my window open. Yay summer time!
Think I'm gonna start working on a bunch of art once my ceramics course is over. I've got canvases and frames that I'm going to try to use up.
Blah blah. Need to go to sleep.