back to school....

Aug 19, 2005 11:49

i got accepted to westwood college (no relation to vivianne westwood) in north denver. i am so happy to have a mother who supports my ideas and beliefs even if she does not agree i still dont know to break the news to my fagdad he finds art to be the lowest form of career on the planet. i am really fed up with my mom and hiding stuff from him it make me feel i am doing something wrong when i am just trying to know my self better. i rather him hate me for who i am rather than who he thinks i am... anyways i cant beleve i got in since i was so distracted in the interview. i dont regret the time spent in la trade tech or la city college but graphic design is not for me and i really dont think it is fare to me to have a career just because i am good at it. smiles to you all.
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